Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm 'Baby' Sitting This Week

We have a new "addition" to the family this week. Scott is on a mission trip with the youth of our church and Savannah and I are taking care of Madison (aka Madi, aka Mad Dog.) She is a German shorthair pointer and is the sweetest dog! She is also strong as an ox on the leash- she took me for a walk already!

It is almost dark but I snapped this picture of her anyway- I will try to take a better one of her tomorrow.

I told him to watch out- he is going to get an incredibly spoiled dog back. I tried to bring her in the house but my little ankle biter went after her- forget she has him by at least 30 lbs! So she is outside (which she likes anyway) and he is in the house sulking. He could have so much fun if he'd  just play nice!


  1. Be careful babysitting; babies tend to get squished fairly easily.

  2. I'm more worried about this one running off- she is as fast as lightning!

  3. Yeah, I was wondering what would happen if both of the dogs were inside the we all know who the "King of the House" is!!! lol

  4. Well if she was going to spend more time here than this I might force the issue. As it is, he can remain the king!

  5. He's also close to 13 years old and has always been an "only dog" so it would be really tough for him, I think!

  6. It would be okay if you had a puppy, a bitty thing. An older dog can be a problem.

  7. If he were a puppy I'd do a better job of socializing him than the people did with this one (I got him at 2 and have never been able to make him treat other dogs well.)

  8. That sucks.

    I'm afraid of dogs, btw.

    *runs and hides*

  9. You don't have to hide- I won't sic them on you!

  10. Um, yeah, but dogs don't like me. They know I'm afraid of them.

  11. Dog sitting is one thing I would not want to do.

  12. You are brave. I do not "pet sit".

  13. I'd bring her in anyway. My mother's dog MickeyMouse is an old crotchety chihuahua mix, and once he gets over the newbie, he's ok. Still king of the pad, because the new dog respects that. Dogs seem to know. Especially male/female encounters. Mickey was fierce when my sister brought her goofball Bram up to visit my mom. And Bram cowered appropriately even tho he was twice Mickey's size. After all, YOU are the alpha female and pack leader!! What you say goes. I raised mine like wolves they pretty much go along with whatever I say. Kim brought Bram down here too, and my girls made all the appropriate noises and growls...lots of slinking and sniffing and staring and fur up...but Bram rolled over and they said "OH.jeez" and that was that.

    You could try just separating them room to a baby gate. That way the old man can bark and glare, and Madison can ignore him.

  14. how cute! Good luck with not spoiling the dog!! LOL

  15. She took you for a walk? Now I am remembering my German Shepherds which always took me for walks. I wish I could have another Janeen and I would if I had a detached house with plenty of gardens. Take care Janeen. Dai

  16. Awww... she seems such a lovely dog. After a week you may not want to give her back. :)
