Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Naked pictures, Blooms, and Rainbows

Yes, this is my naked dog. He got a good haircut yesterday!


  1. I really need to plant those for next year.

  2. He's a happier dog- it is much cooler, and he's skipping around here like a puppy (instead of trudging like the 13 year old man he is!)

  3. That's good to hear! Every old man needs to skip around like a puppy every now and then!

  4. As an old man here I can safely say YES, we old men have to skip around every now and then.

  5. This is a beautiful photograph Jan, shows just the tip of the rainbow from the clouds. Good Work!!

  6. I hope he handles a haircut better than my Vinnie did!

  7. I used to do that to my shaggy dog every summer when I was growing up. Id make him sit while I cut, poor dog. lol.......but by summer his hair would get so matted he would scratch so it helped him alot.

  8. hahaha....somehow I knew "naked" wasn't going to be YOU. HAHA. That poor ugly thing. I know he's a lot happier tho. I am going to buy a "Furminator" this weekend and de-hair my dogs. They're expensive, but they sure work.

  9. I can just hear him singing "I'm freeeeeeee"

  10. I love those. And when they dry, they're lovely as arrangements inside!

  11. He looks naked to me- when his fur is long it will drag the ground- looks like a rug (well, usually a matted up mess that you wouldn't have in your house!) His demeanor from Monday to Wednesday is so different, so I know he likes it- he just doesn't like the process, Tucky. You'd have thought I was taking him to be executed!

  12. Naked pictures? Wow I was prepared for some surprises when I saw that title.
