Thursday, June 19, 2008

June 19, 2008

This is the posting for today in my Bible Study group- Life Journal Bible Study. If you are interesting in joining, let me know- it is a private group but I'd love to add anyone who is interested.

Scriptures to read today:

2 Kings 1; 2 Kings 2; 2 Kings 3; Psalm 82; 1 Timothy 1

Scripture that spoke to me today:
1 Timothy 1:8-11
We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

Lately, it seems that laws affect everyone. We don't have the choice about whether to wear seat belts or not; whether to vaccinate our children or not; even what types of light bulbs to use! Paul clearly states that the laws are made for those who are doing wrong, not for those who are right.

I started out to think that this means that our legislators have run amok, trying to control areas of our lives that don't need controlling. While I still think that, it hit me that we all do wrong. If I think a law doesn't apply to me, who am I to make that determination? It still feels as if I'm being treated like a child- told what to do because I may not know what is right. Bit I have to realize that God says He put the rulers in place- that he gives power to the powerful. And although I don't trust those in power a lot of the time (well, OK, most of the time) I do trust in the power of God.

Lord, you are mighty, awesome, and the most powerful God. Help me to see that the laws we have are for the good of the people, not to oppress, but to protect. Use Your divine wisdom to see that we have the best laws possible, that our lawmakers are right and just, and that those who uphold these laws are honorable in Your sight. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


  1. Some of the laws we have on the books are a little childish. But God will use his infinate wisdom in making our decisions. The thing I can't understand is most of the legislation wants to do away with school prayer and "In God We Trust" on our coins. But what does each session of the United States Senate begin with? Thats right, it begins with a prayer...from the House Chaplain. Kinda ironic isn't it?

  2. Well it is like most of politics- sense has very little to do with it! It is all about getting elected again- which means being popular- which means making the fewest people mad as possible!

  3. I agree with you 100% on your view of politics. Thats an arena that I would never enter. Now an ice hockey arena, thats a different story...LOL

  4. I'd never please enough people to get elected. Also I want everyone to get along- I'm the eternal peacemaker. That would NEVER happen in politics!

  5. Dish, I'd hate to get elected. I'd wind up hitting someone.

  6. You'd make a great replacement for Rush, though!

  7. You are joking, right? I'd get in trouble with the FCC!

  8. I was only half joking... you're opinionated but smart and able to back up what you believe.

  9. That's just bEcausE I do a lot of rEsEarch.

    Sorry, my E on thE kEyboard is gonE. I'm using thE copy and pastE sytEm.

  10. Copy and paste a lower cased one, then! LOL!

  11. I forgot to change the e I was using. lol!

  12. My very first computer was a Commodore 64. Every program it ran had to be started with a "LOAD" command. Worked great 'til I lost my "L" key...

    *chuckling about Abby's "E"*

  13. I think it's chocolate stuck in the keyboard.

  14. That'll do it.

    *still chuckling...*

  15. I had one of those. You got one letter wrong, and it kept showing "syntax error." I'd get mad and cuss at it and all it would say is "syntax error."

  16. Enjoy your group...I am just too busy to be in groups.
