Monday, February 1, 2010

I made it to work this morning- took 40 minutes for a 10 minute trip. Of course, 20 minutes was spent trying to get out of the driveway!


  1. Well there isn't any such thing as snow tires or chains when you live in the south! And the driveway is uphill and looked like a smooth sheet of glass! I took a pic that I'll post when I get home.

  2. Wow. I'd heard on the news this morning that it was pretty rough out there. Please be careful!

  3. I will. The main roads aren't bad and it is about 40 degrees right now, so we should be back to good in no time. It is supposed to refreeze tonight, so tomorrow may be a little slippery, too!

  4. drive carefully~! am staying in today..... ;-) by default.... lol.....

  5. Nice that it's melting relatively quickly. *whew* My problem is very rarely MY driving, but not knowing what the idiots on the road are gonna pull. ;)

  6. They're both my worry Kippy! We just don't get enough of this to get any experience driving in it. The road my work is on wasn't scraped and it was slippery. I'm driving 20 mph for a half mile and there's a guy on my bumper. I gave him a really early signal, knowing that if he slammed on brakes he'd hit me.

  7. Yeah, that is totally nerve-wracking, Janeen! Given that I grew up in northern Michigan, I really don't know what it's like to NOT be familiar with icy/snowy roads and how to drive on them, but I think just knowing myself, I would be a panicky mess! Why people feel the need to tailgate in this kind of stuff is beyond me. I think the way I feel this morning, I'd have given him a whole different kind of early signal. ;)

  8. Oh dear, I so agree on you worrying about the freezing! We had it here today ... massive accidents because of sleet and freezing roads. Terrifying!
    I am so glad my part of the country was just wet.
    Will you please be careful out there?

  9. I'll be careful. Made it home to find that my uncle had come by and plowed my driveway! That's what I was most worried about. It being uphill to the road made it fun this morning, but I really didn't want to slide down it this afternoon!

  10. Yay for your uncle!! What a man ... :)

  11. Awesome. Time to drop off some muffins or cookies or something for him. :) That was a nice surprise.

  12. That's a great idea Kippy! Maybe I can make him some banana muffins. My aunt is picky about what he eats since he had a heart attack several years ago.

  13. Ahh. Yep, something healthy and homemade would be nice. :) Not that I'm trying to be pushy *laugh* That's just how we do it. :)

  14. If savannah was home she could bake whole wheat rolls. Apparently, my mom taught her the art of bread-making this weekend! I can't wait for her to try it out here!

  15. I always try to give myself a ridiculous amount of extra time to get wherever I am going after an ice or snow storm. But, then, I'm one of those annoying people who never makes it out of second gear the entire way.

  16. You can come drive beside me, then. That sounds like exactly what I do!
