Thursday, February 25, 2010

Our puppy is missing. I was half hoping he'd be here when I came home today. He went out yesterday morning and never came back. At 14, I assume he went away to die somewhere.


  1. Ohhhhhhh.. I'm so sorry to hear this.. BIG HUGS

  2. Awwwwwwwwww-----------hope you find him. Sorry.

  3. Thanks. There are more than 100 acres in behind us, so I'm doubting we ever find him.

  4. Has there been a explanation about why an animal would seek out solitude to spend it's last days? You'd think he / she would want to remain with the owners.

  5. I hope you're right about him wanting to be gone. Maybe he went to a neighbors...I'm sorry. I know how it feels. Hugs.

  6. The only neighbors are my uncle and my mom- and they haven't seen him. He wasn't wearing a collar, so I'm sure he isn't caught on something. And I don't think he would let anyone pick him up- he wouldn't let ME pick him up, so I don't think anyone took him- they'd bring him back if they did!

    I think he either got totally lost (he doesn't see well or hear well anymore- he can still smell, though) or got caught by a wild animal. There aren't many mean things here except the boys said they saw a coyote when they were hunting. Who knows?

  7. I don't know! I would assume that they go off because they don't feel good and want to be left alone. Which is weird for him- this dog was annoying in the way he followed me from room to room, tripping me when I wasn't paying attention.

  8. Oh, no! Gosh, I hope you at least find him so you can have SOME peace of mind!

  9. I'm going to send Brandon out when he gets home tomorrow if he is still missing. That boy knows every inch of those woods. Plus, he'll be the most heartbroken one. Savannah is ok- we have been talking a lot about how old the dog is and how he will die one day, especially in light of my brother's dog dying last week.

  10. Losing a dog is the hardest thing ever!

  11. Oh, that's terrible. I'm so sorry for you! I do hope he will come back after all ...

  12. i'm sorry to hear that. hope he makes it back

  13. Big huggs to ya Jan. Hope Brandon can come up with him tomorrow.

  14. Well, if you find him, take him home and give him some puppy treats. If not, well, maybe he's found his doggy Heaven. *hugs*

  15. More than likely, he went for a walk. At 14, he has lived a long life. There is really no telling what took place.

  16. I'm sorry :( I hope you find some answers. 14 years is a long time to have a pet family member! Hugs

  17. How did he get out of the yard? My dog is 16 and still doing well.

  18. I live on the edge of the old family farm. He has always had run of 100 acres.

  19. Awww thats so sad. And hes in the cold.
    Im sorry he went away xox...

  20. Ah I see. Do you have coyotes out your way? When we lived on a acreage a coyote dragged off our dog. Luckily when we gave chase the coyote dropped him and he is still around today and 16 years old.

  21. I thought about coyotes. They're not native to this area, but apparently we now have a few. The boys have seen them while they were hunting. So that is a good possibility.
