Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday, Schmiday

Thank God it's Friday! I know He gives us one of those a week but this one couldn't get here fast enough! It's been a crazy hectic week and on top of everything, I have a sore throat and a runny nose. All I wanted to do from the time I got up today was go back to bed.

Monday started off great with my new class. We talked a lot about the history and beliefs of the Methodist church. Funny, I've been Methodist my whole life but learned a lot! I also know why I'm Methodist, too. It is all about inclusiveness- everyone is invited in as an equal. I really like that.

Tuesday I had my choice of a meeting, a Bible study, or a college basketball game. I begged off of all of it. Was just tired and wanted to stay home on a cold, rainy night.

Wednesday was my usual church stuff. I love teaching music to these kids! They're a lot of fun. They really know what they're doing now so we can just enjoy choosing songs for worship. Except the guy running the sound booth kept putting on the faster songs. He was being sadistic and he knew it! So it was like a church aerobic workout.

Then yesterday, Scott needed to be picked up at the car repair place. He's going out of town this weekend with his girlfriend for Valentine's Day and thought it would be a good time to be without his car for a few days. So I rescued him and he took Savannah and me to dinner. I have figured out what I don't like about his girlfriend- she has really low self esteem. Probably since I don't know the meaning of the word, I am too hard on her. But I don't think she loves herself and she idolizes him. Which probably isn't going to be good in the long run. But it's his life- I just don't want to see him hurt. But I can't protect everyone. The old me would have tried- that's the old "enabler" me. The new me just says "I'm glad it isn't my problem" and goes on. I have told him my concerns. He doesn't see it- yet.

Anyway, brings me to today. Our singles group at church is having a V Day party tonight. I was going to show up late since Savannah has softball practice but with the way I feel, I am better off just staying at home.

Well, that's my somewhat crazy but boring life this week! And now it is the weekend and I don't feel good. At least I can just sleep in the morning!


  1. Sounds like a good time to take a break and recuperate, m'friend. I hope you feel better soon. :)

  2. E GADS-where'd ya find that picture of me?! hahaha That actually is about how my hair looks today. lol
    I had a super low self-esteem for years so I can emphasize with Scot's girlfriend. Bad thing about a low self-esteem and a relationship is you depend on your partner's view of you to boost your self esteem. You only like/love yourself because he does and when the relationship goes bad or ends your self esteem plunges back down again. You're also very vulnerable to becoming involved with men who will use your self esteem to control you. They can convince you to stay in the relationship by convincing you no one else would want you. I was just talking about this to someone yesterday. We were talking about women who 'have' to have a man in their life in order to feel worthwhile.
    Hope you feel better and have a great weekend! xoxoxz

  3. Thanks Kippy- I'm going to take it as easy as possible this weekend. Since it just started snowing again, that might be pretty easy!

    Sue, that is NOT a picture of you! Thanks for the insight- I was raised, and still believe, that I don't NEED a man. They're kinda nice to have around, and I don't mind doing things for them, but they'd better be able to pull their own weight, too!

  4. sounds like a little R & R is what you need right now . . . we all need that from time to time.

  5. Ms. Low Self-Esteem here...I know exactly what you see with Scott's gf (I still can't wrap my head around that whole thing) and maybe he won't mind having someone like that. Not your problem is a VERY nice way to think. I (being enabler extraordinaire) want to jump in too. I'm learning.

    I didn't think this was at all boring. I also want to sleeeeep. Gary asked if I minded if we closed on Monday and I gave it a millisecond of thought and said "NO of course not!" So I have 3 days off. *whew* I wanted that!!

  6. PS...I can't see the picture, so Dai isn't the only one experiencing problems again.

  7. She has her breast enlargement surgery scheduled for next week. Clue #1. Clue #2- she told him she doesn't think she's worthy of him. This is a guy who lives from paycheck to paycheck, drives a 14 year old car, and can't quite get his life together. She has a great paying job, a company car, and from what I can see, takes a vacation a month. And she's not worthy of him? I think he'll get tired of having to boost her ego all the time. But maybe not.

  8. Most usually, a person that has all that stuff, and is able to take a vacation a month, especially if that person is a woman, self-esteem is not an issue. Scott might be getting played.

  9. Hmm...RevScott has something there...

    And there is always the idea that you may not know WHY she may feel "not worthy". Scott is a minister, a good, moral guy. She may be a Ho.

  10. I darn near spit my soda on the screen. Heh. You don't mince words, do ya? *giggles*

  11. Yet some will always be more equal than others. Until I take over the planet, that is. Then y'all'll be 'invited' to be one of my loyal minions.

    Or be dead. Your choice.

  12. Cute Ajax. You can't rule the world- you're too short.

    And you might have something there, Kat. I don't know her but just to hear him talk about her. I'm pretty sure she's a ho- she tried to "get her some" on the second date. I'm trying to figure out how she could be playing him. Although she might be angling to be a preacher's wife. Why, I don't know. All the ones I know say that it isn't a glamorous job. But that could lead back into the self-esteem thing- wanting to have a position or title.

  13. Oh, and it has snowed an inch already tonight. Since it was supposed to snow an inch, but it isn't supposed to stop until lunchtime tomorrow, I'm thinking we're in for it!

  14. Wow, I didn't know penguins got to get that tall! What are you, an emperor penguin?

  15. Ahahaha I don't believe you said that. lol
    Maybe it's her sexuality that has a low esteem and she thinks she can prove herself as a woman by, ok now I have to pause to think of a polite way to put it, ummmm, ok forget polite I'll be blunt too, maybe she thinks it will prove what a woman she is if she can quickly seduce a preacher. Or maybe it's all just a game to her. Or heck, maybe it's all of the above. Maybe her daddy withheld affection and ignored her as a child which in turn left her with a low self esteem so she seeks out men who will be daddy substitutes. What better daddy substitute than a nice settled down preacher.
    He sure does confide in you a lot about her. Is he perhaps trying to make you jealous? This is the guy you used to date isn't it? Seems to me you're the one who would make a really good preacher's wife, too bad you only think of him as a good friend. Ok, enough of my analytical nosiness. lol

  16. Sue, is it bad to say I know him too well? I know everyone isn't perfect but some of his imperfections would really irk me if we were dating/together. I guess I'm just being really picky this time around. I want it all or I don't need it.

  17. She wants to get some, "Oooh baby baby...oh baby baby" for herself. Nookie. Sex. Get her jollies. Blunt enough for you? *sigh*

    I've not got much in the self-esteem department but, uh, ain't gonna get you any of THAT. Maybe she just really hates herself. It does happen even if you "have no reason".

  18. If his ways were already getting on your nerves while dating they would have drove you nuts after you were together for awhile. Good thinking on your part!

  19. Thanks Sue. I do really care about him and enjoy having his friendship, but there are some things I won't compromise on. They would have driven me crazy. As friends, they don't have much bearing on my life!

  20. Ha thanks Abby, I haven't had any in almost six years now, and now you have me wanting to go out and jump some guy's bones. JOKING! Personally I'd rather sit down and eat a huge homemade cheesecake while watching TV with my cats. My ex-bf really turned me against dating and sex. He turned into a needy, whiny little alcoholic loser who totally got on my nerves and totally turned me off. After I left him my friends all told me how much his whining got on their nerves. Ha, they should have tried living under the same roof with him. Ugh, glad we never married. I actually did want to marry him at first before I got to know the real him. I'd know him since I was about 17 but never really KNEW him until he moved to Va and moved in with me. Oh well, at least I've learned from my past mistakes. Some woman never learn and go on being doormats and punching bags for their entire lives.

  21. Make that 7, I miscounted. lol Ahem, was that blunt enough for you Abby? lol

  22. Wow Sue, that's a long time! It's only been 3 1/2 here! LOL!

  23. How about 17 years? If anyone was counting.

  24. I've found that the older I get the easier it gets. Of course I have to avoid watching movies with hot love scenes in them. lol Being post menopausal makes it a lot easier-you just don't have as many hormones screaming for it any more.
    Ha, that reminds me of a joke. "How do you make a hormone?...............Don't pay her.'
    Sorry, I couldn't resist being ornery. lol

  25. Gee, I hope I live long enough to make it that long. lol

  26. From the looks of it, I am the only one married here, and the only male. lol

  27. You're brave, then! On both counts- LOL!

  28. Yeah, I'll behave. Already used up my daily allotment of orneriness anyway. lol

  29. You mean we are given daily allotments?

    Wow, I didn't know that. I am probably in the neg on that then.

  30. If you're happier now, then that's totally awesome. Besides, if you don't really WANT or NEED a man in your life, things can be much, much simpler. Sounds like you succeeded in that! lol! And cheesecake with the cats sounds like fun, really. That's what I do now! lmao!

  31. You know, even with hormone treatments, the urge isn't there as often. *sigh*

    Oh, another answer to your joke is "Pull down it's genes!" ROFL! (Sorry, my bio teacher told us that joke in high school! lmao!)

  32. I can see the cat picture. So strange that I can see the occasional picture. That cat could give me bad dreams ! I hope you feel better fast Janeen.

  33. Hahaha I hadn't heard that version of the joke. That's funny. lol

  34. My cat Chester says to tell that cat to take a chill pill.

    The GF sounds like a huge mistake. Let's hope he learns it before it's too late.

    Fast worship songs in a Methodist church? That happens?

  35. Absolutely! We sing things like "This is the Day" and "My Redeemer Lives" along with "Beautiful One" and "Marvelous Light." Those are some of my favorites, anyway!

  36. HEY.. go and have some VD fun!!!! I always get something for the kids.. and Steve.. I decided to get steaks to grill.. as it's always a pain trying to get in at a restaurant on holidays. (we ate out last night instead! lmao) Be sure and do something special for YOU too! Even if it's a lonnnnnnng bubbly bath!

  37. isnt it funny how when one is on this side, everyone else is so transparent. yup self esteem (or the lack thereof) is almost always a deal breaker at some point. the petty jealousies and the fights that germinate from the well I am all to familiar with as an insider (once) and of course now as the observer. I know, it is terribly hard to save the world from itself isnt it ?

  38. It is. I had a counselor friend of mine last night tell me something that has me thinking. She says that we're attracted to people who are just as messed up as we are. I had to think about it for a bit, but you know, I think she is right. It may be messed up in different ways- we all have baggage or flaws of some sort. Her belief is, the more one person in a relationship heals/changes, the worse the relationship becomes. If you're both healing/changing at about the same rate, then you're ok. You don't have to have the same problems- look at the alcoholic/enabler. When one ceases to exist then the other must either change or find someone else to enable. Which really explains a LOT about the end of my marriage.
