Monday, February 8, 2010

Took it from Scott and Changed it a Bit

1. High heels, boots Or sneakers? Sneakers- comfort all the way!

2. What time did you get up this morning? 6:30am

3.  Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds. Pearls are hard to care for!

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?  The Hangover

5. What is your favorite TV show? Supernatural

6. What do you usually have for breakfast? This week it's grits and sausage.

7. Do you smoke? No, never have

8. What food do you dislike? Corned beef

9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? One I made myself- with Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, Third Day, Jeremy Camp, and Bid Daddy Weave on it.

10. What characteristic do you despise? People who say one thing and do the opposite.

11. Favorite Clothing? my big T-shirt and yoga pants.

12. Anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Only one place? Ok, the Greek Isles. And from there you may as well do Rome, too!

13. Are you an organized person? Yes, but I'm not obsessive about it

14. Where would you retire to? Right here- why would I want to go somewhere else?

15. What was your most memorable birthday?  It has to either be when my mom surprised me with a 16th birthday party with all my friends or when I turned 40 and took myself  on a weekend trip.

16. What are you going to do when you finish this? Going to bed- it's been a long day!

17. Furthest place someone will read this? Dai in Nepal

18. Person you expect to answer it first? Probably Abby... she's usually up late at night

19. When is your birthday?  October 5, 1966

20. Are you a morning person or a night person?  Neither- I would love to go to bed early and sleep late!

21. What is your shoe size?   8 1/2

22. Do you own any animals? Just the Hobie dog- he's a lhasa apso

23. Any news you'd like to share? I really enjoyed class tonight! It was the first one- three more to go!

24. What did you want to be when you were little?  I wanted to train dolphins

25. What is your favorite flower?  That's hard - I like them all! But if I have to pick I'll take stargazer lillies

26. What is your favorite day on the calendar? Either my birthday or Christmas

27. Do you wish upon stars?  For fun

28.Do you second guess your actions afterward?  Not usually- but if something didn't turn out right I will

29. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I'd be blue. Blue is so restful and calm

30. How is the weather right now?  Cold- supposed to rain tomorrow.

31. Last person you spoke to on the phone?  My mom- she kept Savannah for me tonight while I went to class.

32. Favorite food? steak

33. Favorite Restaurant?  Mazatlan (mexican)

34. Hair color?  Dark brown with light brown highlights

35. What was your favorite toy as a child? Wow, I really don't remember.

36. Summer or Winter?  Summer

37. Chocolate or vanilla?  Both

38. Coffee or tea: Both- hot flavored coffee and iced tea

39. Boy, do I wish I was still... thin!

40. Do you want your friends to answer you back?  Absolutely 

41. When was the last time you cried?  This morning. I wrote a skit for the preacher at church and was watching the video of it this morning. I was laughing so hard I cried!

42. What's under your bed?  Nothing. Remember my cleaning spree last weekend? Cleaned under there, too!

43. What did you do last night? Spent 4 hours in the emergency room with Savannah. She sprained her ankle. I still swear it looks broken. Usually sprains swell and turn dark blue. Nope- looks like a slightly swollen foot. No bruising.

44. What are you afraid of? Losing the people I love.

45. Salty or sweet?  Sweet

46. Favorite month?   June. Warm enough to enjoy lots of things outdoors but not too hot!

47. Ice Cream or Cake? Both Please!

48. Are you in love? Only with Jesus at the moment

49. If you could change one thing in your life... what would it be? I'd have a good marriage

50. Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends?  Absolutely! I hope you all fill this out!

Thank you for participating!


  1. I'll have to post this on my blog. It's LONG! lol!

  2. We're the same age! I'm April 1966!
    I'll answer tomorrow Janeen... that Abby may stay up half the night but I need some sleep! *Grins at Abby!*

  3. You goofy mouse! lol! I'm going to bed here in a bit. I'm tired.

  4. 01. High heels, boots Or sneakers? umm.. slip-ons!

    02. What time did you get up this morning? 8:30 AM

    Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

    04. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? 2012

    05. What is your favorite TV show? Big Bang Theory!

    06. What do you usually have for breakfast? coffee!

    07. Do you smoke? Yep

    08. What food do you dislike? octopus, fish, sushi, etc.. yes.. there's a THEME here! lol

    09. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Cadillac Records.

    10. What characteristic do you despise ? liars.

    11. Favorite Clothing? liz claiborne shirts!

    12. Anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? The WHOLE world!! I wanna see it all!

    13. Are you an organized person? Very.

    14. Where would you retire to? Anywhere without an income tax! Texas, Wyoming, etc..

    15. What was your most memorable birthday? Probably 21st! lmao. Somehow.. we ended up on the railroad tracks.. God sure does look out for idiots! Thank GOD! Yea.. I was driving too! lmao

    16. What are you going to do when you finish this? Go watch my fave shows.. they are on tonight!

    17. Furthest place you are sending this? Multiply

    18. Person you expect to send it back first? No clue but hope everyone will post so we can compare notes!

    19. When is your birthday? exactly a month after Christmas.

    20. Are you a morning person or a night person? HOO HOO , ME??

    21. What is your shoe size? Duck sized! (eleven)

    22. Do you own any animals? Nope. The kid is allergic. So, our lizards outside.. are our amusement!

    23. Any news you'd like to share? I got our taxes done last night! We are getting a refund!!! First time in forever! So, I'll take them to the accountant.. obviously.. I must have messed up! lol

    24. What did you want to be when you were little? a kid!

    25. What is your favorite flower? Tiger lilies. Pink.

    26. What is a day on the calendar? Friday the thirteenth!

    27. Do you wish upon stars? Yep!

    28.Do you second guess your actions afterward? No.

    29. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow!

    30. How is the weather right now? wet and chilly.

    31. Last person you spoke to on the phone? a salesperson.

    32. Favorite food? Surf n' turf.

    33. Favorite Restaurant? Red Lobster!

    34. Hair color? light brown with copper highlights.

    35. What was your favorite toy as a child? My imagination!

    36. Summer or Winter? Summer

    37. Chocolate or vanilla? BOTH!

    38. Coffee or tea: Coffee

    39. Umm.. the question wasn't here.

    40. Do you want your friends to answer you back? Absolutely

    41. When was the last time you cried? allergy mist.. not really crying.. and it just last week.. dang cedar.

    42. What's under your bed? nothing.

    43. What did you do last night? watched the Super Bowl!

    44. What are you afraid of? Sharks! lol

    45. Salty or sweet? salty.

    46. Favorite month? June or July!

    47. Ice Cream or Cake? ice cream!

    48. Are you in love? Yep!

    49. If you could change one thing in your life... what would it be? I would have done MORE in high school.

    50. How many people will you send this to? I'm posting it on Multiply

    51. How many will respond? anwhere from 0 to a gazillion!

    52. Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends? Yea.. it helps me understand them a bit better!

  5. Awwwwww.. so sorry to hear Savannah hurt her ankle. Hope she's feeling MUCH better today?? PS.. I posted this on my page too! lol

  6. I'll post this on mine later tonight. Hope Savannah heals quickly. Huggers 8=)

  7. This is cool Janeen, I learned some more things about you.
    BIG OKIE HUGS for you.
    Praying Savannah's foot gets better quickly.

  8. i like these because you always get to learn something about someone.
    I just watched the Hangover too - pretty funny
