Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Feb 12, 2010

We got a surprising 3 inches of snow last night as the weather called for only a dusting, up to an inch! Here's our "inch" of snow!


  1. It is pretty- but it's melting fast!

  2. That's what ours is doing, only it's melting in patches. Doesn't look so pretty now. *sigh* I really miss winters like we had when I was a kid.

  3. It's winter. It snowed. And you're surprised?

  4. It's the south- and it usually doesn't snow, even when they say it will! This year is full of exceptions, it seems!

  5. What a fabulous winter surprise. Are you folks equipped for it down there?

  6. Not really. For something like this it was fine- roads were bad last night after dark. Main roads were clear by about 10am and most everything has now melted. There's only a few patches left.

  7. Yep.. that's just a dustin' alright!!! He dropped the ENTIRE bag on ya! lol

  8. My cousin Jim V.moved from here last year because he couldn't take another winter. He moved down to N.C. Ironic. I have today off and can't snowmobile because there is no snow, none since the middle of December her in upstate NY

  9. We've had more snow here this year than I can remember since 1987 and 1991. Those years, we had over a foot on the ground at one time. Huge for us!

  10. i was just remarking yesterday how i love fresh snow, how it ladens the trees. this is it !

  11. Wow you did get snow...its so pretty.
    You have such a beautiful place!
    Peaceful.....thats wonderful .
