Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ten Thoughts for Tuesday

1. I looked at my calendar. Big mistake. There is something every night until next Thursday. That makes me tired before it ever starts.

2. I begged off of a meeting that I really didn't need to be at tonight, anyway. I haven't been home in the past 4 nights and I just needed a night off. I needed to do laundry, too!

3. Savannah and I were watching Supernatural. She is now creeping herself out at things! It is actually kinda funny.

4. Her ankle is a little better. She isn't supposed to put any weight on it until Friday. Try keeping her from it! I told her she'd better let it heal before she hurts it worse.

5. I wrote a skit for worship last Sunday morning. I got to see the DVD of it, and it was so FUNNY! The entire congregation laughed. I love it when church is fun!

6. My  class last night was so fun! It ended up there were three people in there that I knew. The lady teaching it was the youth director at church when the boys were in middle school. The youth director from my mom's church was in there, and also a lady whose daughter went to school with my sons in middle school. Also, the district lay leader, who I was going to have to meet in the next few weeks, was there. Now I don't have to try to figure out how to meet him!

7. It is cold and rainy here again. I don't like being cold! At least if it is going to be cold and wet, it could snow. Or better yet, bring on spring!

8. It's been pretty quiet around here. I figured the new facebook would send some people back this way. I miss reading about people's lives!

9. Brandon is having roommate issues at college. I'm so glad I'm not in college- I don't think you could pay me to live on campus again!

10. I'm going to watch another Supernatural episode now- y'all have a good night!


  1. Sounds like things are busy, but good! I like the little peeks in your days and your life. I'm with you on the roommate college issue thing...I'm glad I'm not in college any more. OK that's a lie, I'd love to do it all over again!

  2. I knew you were talented and creative. Congratulations on the skit.

  3. I will have to share a few of the scripts I had performed. It really is fun to see your creation performed. Unfortunately, I have had to perform most of the ones I have written.

  4. My college life was just a few years ago...and the only roommate issue I had was my ex wife. lol Supernatural is a show I just can't get into...but the Amazing Race is going to start again this Sunday evening. The weather here is God awful. Winter weather warnings and school closings are already being put on the tv for tomorrow. Happy that you took a day off of meetings and such. Its nice to have a day off.

  5. lmao.. did I ever tell you that Sam from Supernatural grew up here in San Antonio.. and comes back to his old HS from time to time? He's a TEXAN!!! Now.. Savannah.. will go bonkies with that one?? eh??

  6. Yes she will! She thinks he's sooooooo cute! (And he is!) I like that show more than I expected to- the ideas that there are things in the spirit world intrigue me. They handle it so well and according to legends so it is fairly believable.

  7. Thanks! The sermon was on things being harder than you think they should be. The skit was a guy calling a car repair place to make an appointment to get his brakes fixed. He got lost in automated hell.... even to the point that it asked the color of his car!

  8. I've just been too tired to sit at the computer and blog. *sigh* That and we're in need of a new computer chair so sitting here for a long time doesn't quite do me well.

    Savannah hurt her ankle? How'd she do that? I think I missed something. *sigh*

    Oh, if she likes to freak herself out, have her watch TAPS! lol! The boys like that show a lot. It's kinda neat.

    Oh, automated hell? ROFL! You've nailed that one. I'd hate to see our afterlife be nothing but forced to listen to recordings and hit buttons for more recordings. *shudders*

  9. Trust me...you do NOT want snow....at least not the amount we've gotten around here!

  10. You missed me complaining about sitting in the ER for 4 hours on Sunday! Watched half of the Super Bowl in the waiting room!

    She was running from my mom's house to mine through the field, stepped in a hole and rolled her ankle. Only it is more the top of her foot than her ankle, that's why I thought it was broken. It still hasn't turned blue and is just a tad swollen, more like a break would do than a sprain. So she's been on crutches all week.
