Saturday, February 6, 2010

Strange Saturday Morning

It is a strange Saturday morning. School was closed Monday because of snow and school policy is to make it up on Saturday. So I set the alarm clock this morning and off we went. Feels like a weekday already! As we're driving, it started raining again. Which isn't shocking, we got 2 1/2 inches of rain yesterday. But this was funny rain- coming straight at me. Took me a minute to realize it was snow! Again, very strange.

So she's at school and I didn't have to go to work (because it really is Saturday) so I think I'll go to Body Pump class at the gym. It doesn't start for 45 minutes and I'm hungry. But I don't want to eat before class so I'm trying to kill time online and not think about being hungry. I can eat afterward.

The good thing about Saturday school is they only go until 11:30. That way there's no need for lunch. So I'll get her back and we can start on an abbreviated Saturday. My mother decided that she liked the way I faux painted the walls in her hall above the wainscoting so much that she wants her guest bedroom painted like that. Which means more painting for me. So I'll probably get a start on that this afternoon. I need to do a little bit of laundry, too. And we have a supper at church tonight that should be really fun- some friends of mine are singing as the entertainment.

I have 30 more minutes to go before I can leave for the gym. Too bad Kat's not online- we managed to chat last night for two hours! That was really fun Kat- thanks for letting me keep you up past your bedtime! Maybe I'll go sort the laundry now.

Does anyone else have to do things to keep them distracted from wanting to eat?


  1. what is faux painting ? did you fake it ? lol
    i wish i could help distract you from eating but i am powerless in that capacity. smoking would be my only substitute but i dont recommend.

  2. Yeah, I have things that distract me from eating, but this is a family channel.

  3. it is good to give your body some fuel before a workout.... if you find your self too exhausted to go on, or to do other things, it's because you are running on empty...... try to balance your intake, but some quick carbs beforehand and some refuel carbs after the workout [even like a power bar] or a yogurt..... will help you in the long run.....

    ps ... I am a certified personal trainer [somewhat lapsed at the moment] but I aced the nutrition part!

  4. If I am hungry AND on the's bad. I go grab food and come back and eat it. So this wouldn't work for me. I'd have to leave the house. No will power and even the prospect of a week at the beach isn't giving me any. Pathetic.

    We don't ever get to chat, so I was happy too!

  5. If I don't want to eat, I end up crocheting. Both hands are busy and you can't eat! lol!

  6. I always have to wait an hour after taking my meds before I can I try to just keep my mind occupied with other things. After all it is only an hour.

    That would be so weird having school on a Saturday and completely ruin the fun of having a snow day to begin with. I'm glad that "knock on wood" our school doesn't do that.

  7. I'm glad our school does this. If not they'd lose a teacher workday that the teachers need!

    Thanks Mo! Now I know who to ask about nutrition things! I was ok through class and ate afterward. It makes me sick to my stomach to eat and then work out but maybe a bite or two would be good. I'll remember that next Saturday!

  8. I blog! lol. No food allowed upstairs. (my rule)

  9. The only thing that I've found that truly distracts me from food is photography. :) Sorry I can't help! Have a good rest of your Saturday.

  10. Something that has been helping keep from thinking about food lately. I have been drinking a lot of water. Around and above 200 ounces a day, over the last couple of weeks.

    Running to the bathroom every so often, kills the hunger. lol

  11. That's great Scott! I do try to get a lot of water- shoot for a gallon a day. You're getting way more than that!

  12. Our kids make up snow days at the end of the year.

  13. sip warm water, or weak tea [useful if fasting...which I am not claiming I do much]

  14. Back when I was growing up in Virginia, we had to do snow make-up days on Saturday too. I hated it, naturally!

    I use the computer as a distraction from eating myself. I couldn't eat prior to working out either.
