Saturday, February 20, 2010

Shutter Island- Official Trailer

This is an excellent movie! Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Michelle Williams, Patricia Clarkson, Max von Sydow and directed by Martin Scorsese, this film is a great psychological thriller. I have seen reviews that called it "creepy" and labeled it horror, but I don't think that is accurate at all. It does keep you off balance- you get to the point that you don't know what is reality and what is hallucination- but it is very well done! Even the ending leaves you with a few questions. It is rated R (there is a little male nudity- no sex) and very little blood. It was a lot like "Silence of the Lambs" meets "No Way Out." I'm so glad I went!


  1. Thanks Janeen. I won't buy it here in Bournemouth because I can get any movie (pirated) in Kathmandu for just 30 rupees (41 cents). I will look for it when I get back.

  2. Good to hear, because Craig and I were thinking we wanted to see it! Oddly enough, we've seen a lot of Leonardo pictures in the past few months, through Netflix, and they were all good. Never thought I'd say that! He's becoming one of my favorite actors. Never thought I'd say that, either.

    PS. I am still mad and think he was totally robbed out of best actor for What's Eating GG?

  3. Leonardo was absolutely excellent in this! I can't say much about the movie without giving things away, but he should get a nomination of some kind for this.

  4. I've heard about this, but it is the first review I've read on Multiply.

  5. This is already on my list of films to see, which will actually be tomorrow. I have two free passes.

  6. It just opened yesterday, so maybe more people will write about what they thought.

    I'd actually like to know what you think once you see it! I'm still getting those little "aha, that's what that was" moments this morning!

  7. I don't watch anything DiCapro does.. not since he became an activist..

  8. Wow, that last scene made me scoot back so fast that I just about fell out of my desk chair. lol I'll wait until it comes out on DVD and rent it. Looks like my kind of movie. I loved Silence of the Lambs and have watched it a lot on TV-I finally bought the DVD so I can watch it any time I want. It's my favorite Anthony Hopkins movie.

  9. A GREAT actor that man Tony. GREAT ACTOR.

  10. sounds intriguing ! i love a movie that keeps me guessing. and male nudity helps :D
