Friday, February 12, 2010

ABC's of Me

Ok, I'm game for one more of these!

- Available: For the right person, yes
- Age: 43
- Annoyance: slow drivers- and I mean 15 miles under the speed limit slow
- Animal: One puppy
- anyone want an incontinent dog?

- Beer: not my thing
- Birthday: October 5
- Best Friend: Depends on where I am- IRL- Scott; here, either Kat or Abby
- Best weather: again, it depends. Right now I'm loving the snow. But my favorite is a warm, sunny day by the pool or at the lake with just a little cooling breeze blowing.
- Been in Love: I thought so- but maybe not
- Believe in Magic: absolutely
- Believe in Santa: absolutely

- Candy: chocolate!
- Color: green
- Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate, unless it's coffee. Then vanilla
- Chinese/Mexican Food: Either, or both!
- Cake or pie: Birthday cake is the best!
- Continent to visit: Any of them!

- Day or Night: Day- I sleep at night
- Dancing in the rain: if I'm in the mood

- Eyes: hazel
- Everyone's got: a Savior who loves them completely
- Ever failed a class: no

- First thoughts waking up: what day is it?
- Food: is good

- Greatest Fear: Losing one of my children
- Goals: I need some
- Gum: on occasion
- Get along with your parents: love my mom! Dad died when I was 17

- Hair: brown
- Happy: absolutely
- Holidays: Rock!
- How do you want to die: painlessly

- Ice Cream: Birthday cake or cookie dough
- Instrument: saxophone

- Jewelry: rings and earrings
- Job: I have the best one ever

- Kids: I adore
- Kickboxing or karate: neither
- Keep a journal: if you count blogs or my Bible study journal

- Love: is patient, kind, doesn't keep a record of wrongs...
- Laughed so hard you cried: talking with Kat and Dai about public toilets!

- Milk: makes good soup
- Movies: every now and then
- Motion sickness: only if you spin me around and around
- McD's or BK: McD's - BK is nasty

- Number: of what?

- One wish: to find my life partner

- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi
- Perfect Pizza: is buried in veggies- and I don't care what else
- Piercing: ears

- Quote: : "For I know the plans I have for you" says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

- Reality T.V: HGTV
- Radio Station: 106.9 The Light (Billy Graham's station)
- Roll your tongue in a circle: among several other useless talents
- Ring size: 6.5

- Song: stuck in my head today is "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns
- Shoe size: 8.5
- Salad Dressing: 1000 island
- Sushi: isn't bad, but I don't go out of my way for it
- Shower: is broken! Someone come fix it for me!
- Strawberries/Blueberries: yummy!

- Tattoos: not on this girl!
- Time for bed: 10pm
- Thunderstorms: are restful

- Unpredictable: not usually

- Vacation spots: mountains, beach.... doesn't really matter!

- Weakness: french fries
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Kristi
- Worst feeling: fear
- Worst Weather: cold rain

- X-Rays: not in a long, long time- except at the dentist

-Year that was best in your life: 2008

- Favorite Zoo: Columbia SC


  1. Will have to come back to this one Jan...

  2. A
    - Available: no, and anyhow, I am cheap, but not easy
    - Age: 44
    - Annoyance: slow drivers- and I mean 15 miles under the speed limit slow
    - Animal: Amy has a chiwoowoo, then we have 2 cats

    - Beer: Haven't touch any in almost 20 years. PRAISE the LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    - Birthday: July 10
    - Best Friend: I have several here on Multiply, but everyday, my younger brother Stan
    - Best weather: favorite is a warm, sunny day.
    - Been in Love: I thought I was once before, but now I know I am
    - Believe in Magic: no
    - Believe in Santa: absolutely, but, if he come down my chimney, they will be hauling him off in a body bag. lol

    - Candy: I have cut way down on candy here lately
    - Color: yellow
    - Chocolate/Vanilla: either or both
    - Chinese/Mexican Food: Either, or both!
    - Cake or pie: Birthday cake and Aunt Etta's Coconut Cream pie
    - Continent to visit: Australia

    - Day or Night: Day- I sleep at night
    - Dancing in the rain: not in a long time

    - Eyes: brown
    - Everyone's got: a Savior who loves them completely
    - Ever failed a class: no

    - First thoughts waking up: "CRAP I am running late." after hitting snooze just once. lol
    - Food: is not to be wasted

    - Greatest Fear: Losing one of my children
    - Goals: I need some
    - Gum: on occasion
    - Get along with your parents: Loved both of my parents dearly, Mom died in '82, Dad passed in '05

    - Hair: brown with some gray, okay a lot of gray
    - Happy: yes
    - Holidays: I am glad they are here for awhile
    - How do you want to die: quickly

    - Ice Cream: chocolate revel with half cup of coffee, to make it like a mocha shake
    - Instrument: radio

    - Jewelry: wedding ring and watch
    - Job: I am at the best one I have ever had

    - Kids: I adore
    - Kickboxing or karate: those are for sissies, jujitsu yeah!!!
    - Keep a journal: Not really

    - Love: is patient, kind, doesn't keep a record of wrongs...and doesn't hold grudges
    - Laughed so hard you cried: not in some time now

    - Milk: comes from a cow
    - Movies: every now and then
    - Motion sickness: only if you spin me around and around and upside down and around
    - McD's or BK: BK - McD's makes me nauseous

    - Number: was #21 in high school football and basketball

    - One wish:to do my best for the LORD

    - Pepsi/Coke: Diet Pepsi
    - Perfect Pizza: is buried in veggies- and all the different types of meats, with jalepenos
    - Piercing: none

    - Quote: : "Let the redeemed of the LORD say so; those whom have beeen reddemed from the hand of the enemy" Psalms 107:2

    - Reality T.V: Dancing with the Stars
    - Radio Station: 88.1 AIR1
    - Roll your tongue in a circle: among several other useless talents
    - Ring size: 10

    - Song: This is How it Feels to be Free, Phillips, Craig and Dean
    - Shoe size: 8.5-9
    - Salad Dressing: ranch or honey mustard
    - Sushi: don't reckon I have ever tried it
    - Shower: yes, very relaxing
    - Strawberries/Blueberries: pancakes or muffin or cobbler? it is all good

    - Tattoos: I have high pain thresh hold, but, I don't invite pain
    - Time for bed: 9-10 pm
    - Thunderstorms: are lively

    - Unpredictable: not usually

    - Vacation spots: mountains, beach.... doesn't really matter!

    - Weakness: too soft hearted
    - Which one of your friends acts the most like you: none
    - Worst feeling: uncertainy
    - Worst Weather: cold freezing rain

    - X-Rays: 2 years ago, when I went to chiropractor

    -Year that was best in your life: 1995, my daughter was born and I surrendered to preach

    - Favorite Zoo: Caldwell Zoo, Tyler Texas

  3. That was great Scott! I like how some of our answers matched- and some were close!

    And I agree Abby- this one was fun!

  4. A
    - Available:
    - Age: Whatever age I feel like at the time!
    - Annoyance: I see stupid people/moonbats!
    - Animal: Two kitties...and one got a snow 'bath' tonight.

    - Beer: I prefer Czech, myself. Only found it once in the Dells of all places. It's called Klaster and not bad.
    - Birthday: April 21st
    - Best Friend: Kat, Janeen, Mousie
    - Best weather: Right now I want snow. In the summer and fall, I like gentle rains (and no humidity!)
    - Been in Love: Yup. Every day of my life!
    - Believe in Magic: absolutely
    - Believe in Santa: absolutely

    - Candy: chocolate!
    - Color: black
    - Chocolate/Vanilla: Swirl them please!
    - Chinese/Mexican Food: Either, or both!
    - Cake or pie: Wedding cake with buttercream icing! (Please save a couple of icing roses for me please!)
    - Continent to visit: So many to choose from! As long as I have my camera and at least ONE of my bjd's with me, I'd be happy! Although, right now, the UK is looking good, but that's really just an overgrown island. lol! I wanna go see Doug and Rose in Wales.

    - Day or Night: Day- I'm a night owl.
    - Dancing in the rain: Oh, I've not done that in years! That sounds like fun!

    - Eyes: green
    - Everyone's got: a Savior who loves them completely
    - Ever failed a class: Yup. and a few incompletes, too.

    - First thoughts waking up: Usually it's some random song and then "GET OFF MY HAIR!"
    - Food: is good

    - Greatest Fear: Losing one of my children and husband
    - Goals: What are those?
    - Gum: A lot so I don't grind my teeth
    - Get along with your parents: Not really

    - Hair: *sigh* It looks like an orange tiger kitty gave me their fur coat, only longer.
    - Happy: If not, then content
    - Holidays: Rock!
    - How do you want to die: painlessly

    - Ice Cream: Moose or bunny tracks
    - Instrument: Classical percussion

    - Jewelry: earrings and my wedding band/engagement ring
    - Job: It would be okay if people weren't moonbats.

    - Kids: I adore
    - Kickboxing or karate: Both please!
    - Keep a journal: blogging!
    - Love: is patient, kind, doesn't keep a record of wrongs...
    - Laughed so hard you cried: I really can't remember. Does almost spitting on the computer screen count? That was today on Kat's blog and Janeen's blog!
    - Milk: only if it's choccy
    - Movies: every day
    - Motion sickness: Can't play video games/3d movies/spinny amusement rides
    - McD's or BK: Neither

    - Number: 42

    - One wish: to stay happy

    - Pepsi/Coke: Diet either one
    - Perfect Pizza: Sausage/pepperoni/extra cheese/crispy crust/mushrooms
    - Piercing: ears

    - Quote: : Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors... and miss. Robert Heinlein

    - Reality T.V: TAPS, Mythbusters
    - Radio Station: I'm not fond of radio
    - Roll your tongue in a circle: among several other useless talents
    - Ring size: 7.5

    - Song: Indian Giver by Paul Revere and the Raiders at the moment. It changes from moment to moment.
    - Shoe size: 9.5
    - Salad Dressing: Italian only
    - Sushi: had it once, that was enough
    - Shower: is in the basement. I hate baths without taking a shower first.
    - Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries!

    - Tattoos: One on my shoulder that needs to be redone. It's a heart and a ribbon and my daughter's name on the ribbon.
    - Time for bed: Whenever I can't stay awake anymore.
    - Thunderstorms: Yeah! Especially if they have a lot of lightning!

    - Unpredictable: Depends

    - Vacation spots: Wherever I can bring my camera!

    - Weakness: Chocolate
    - Which one of your friends acts the most like you: No clue
    - Worst feeling: fear
    - Worst Weather: cold rain

    - X-Rays: Too many to count in my life
    -Year that was best in your life: The summer of '91. I met Art that year.

    - Favorite Zoo: So far, St. Louis!

  5. Why do I always fall for these things ...LOL
    Here I go ...

    - Available: For the right person, yes
    - Age: 52
    - Annoyance: slow drivers- I am so with you on this one!
    - Animal: None, and I like to keep it that way. I love dogs, but not in my home ;)

    - Beer: when it's really hot weather I sometimes drink alcohol-free beer
    - Birthday: December 7
    - Best Friend: I have two ... Ineke (we're friends fro over 40 years now) and Julie ( friends for over 15 years)
    - Best weather: a nice sunny day, not too hot, with a cool breeze
    - Been in Love: Once .. turned out wrong :(
    - Believe in Magic: no
    - Believe in Santa: no

    - Candy: chocolate ... is there any other candy?
    - Color: blue
    - Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate,
    - Chinese/Mexican Food: I love both but when I have the choice ...Mexican.
    - Cake or pie: pie
    - Continent to visit: America ... someday!!

    - Day or Night: Night ... I'm a real night owl.
    - Dancing in the rain: I used to ;)

    - Eyes: grey-blue
    - Everyone's got: a Savior who loves them completely
    - Ever failed a class: yes, due to being ill for almost a year

    - First thoughts waking up: oh no, not already ..
    - Food: I love it

    - Greatest Fear: spiders!
    - Goals: to cut on working hours, make more time to live!
    - Gum: on a regular basis
    - Get along with your parents: Love them both. Mom died last year ...I miss her terribly.

    - Hair: grey
    - Happy: on and off
    - Holidays: more ...more ...!!!
    - How do you want to die: peacefully

    - Ice Cream: chocolate chip
    - Instrument: guitar and piano

    - Jewelry: I have it but seldom wear it
    - Job: I teach .. .and it's nice!!

    - Kids: Every day around me ... great!
    - Kickboxing or karate: no, not me
    - Keep a journal: on and off. Multiply is sort of my journal ...

    - Love: is patient, kind, doesn't keep a record of wrongs...
    - Laughed so hard you cried: almost every week, mostly when in church goofing around with Julie. We are known for it ... sigh

    - Milk: every day
    - Movies: every now and then
    - Motion sickness: oh yes! Blehh ..
    - McD's or BK: BK

    - Number: of what?

    - One wish: to live like it counts

    - Pepsi/Coke: Coke
    - Perfect Pizza: lots of tuna and cheese
    - Piercing: I had my ears pierced but turned out to be allergic ... I had cauliflower ears ...LOL

    - Quote: : "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation." (Is.12:2)

    - Reality T.V: not really
    - Radio Station: K-Love (I listen to it online)
    - Roll your tongue in a circle: no, I never could. I miss it, though ... ;)
    - Ring size: no idea

    - Song: Oh, what a Saviour, by Ernie Haase (heard it at a concert last night)
    - Shoe size: 9.5
    - Salad Dressing: Yogurt dressing
    - Sushi: I like it but I won't look for it.
    - Shower: Love it!!
    - Strawberries/Blueberries: Oh yes!!

    - Tattoos: No. But the color on my car is called "Tattoo-Blue", does that count?
    - Time for bed: late, very late
    - Thunderstorms: wonderful to look at.

    - Unpredictable: no, on the contrary ...

    - Vacation spots: I love to visit far away countries but recently went back to my childhood vacation spot in Austria ... and it was wonderful again.

    - Weakness: chocolate
    - Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Julie
    - Worst feeling: anxiety
    - Worst Weather: cold rain

    - X-Rays: it's been a while

    -Year that was best in your life: 1999 .. I went to Bible School.

    - Favorite Zoo: Rotterdam Zoo

  6. These are great girls! Thanks for playing!

  7. It is leaking into the ceiling of the kitchen below. It has been re-caulked and still does it, so the next step is to check the drain. I hope it is that so we don't get into cracked pipes!

  8. I hope it's not the problem that we have in town. So many houses have copper pipes that the city water literally eats through the copper and causes pinhole leaks. *grrrrrr* I hate city water for that reason and really wish we had a working well.

  9. These are 11 year old PVC pipes- I hope it's just the drain. Scott's roomie is supposed to check it out for me when he gets time.

  10. Had this exact same thing happen last year. Our upstairs bathroom is right above our kitchen, so it ruined the ceiling in the kitchen. Our problem was a worn out cartridge in the shower faucet. It took me 15 minutes to fix the faucet, so it was my fault it happened.

    We also had the drain pipe from the upstairs bathroom spring a leak a few years ago. It goes through the kitchen wall behind the cabinets. When the person who installed the cabinet screwed the cabinet into the wall, he drove the screw into the pipe. It took at least 20 years before it leaked. We had to cut out the drywall and epoxy the hole in the pipe.

  11. I hope it is something simple like that, Steve. I'm not looking forward to seeing the estimates for removing drywall, etc!

  12. The removal of the drywall is cheap. It is the replacement of it that is costly.

  13. We had that happen once.. in Maryland.. but, it turned out.. not to be the tub at all.. it was in the pipes.. in the wall.. off or on.. it leaked.

  14. Luckily, this one only leaks if you use it. So the answer has been simple- just don't use it!

  15. mmm cookie dough ice cream......

    milk makes good soup ?

  16. I love milk in soup- like potato soup, oyster stew, and cream of tomato. Oh, and broccoli cheese soup!

  17. broccoli cheese is my favorite ! i'm not a soup maker so i dont know what goes into it. but generally speaking anything with cheese is a winner with me :D

  18. I like to cook. I don't cook enough right now. The girl eats odd things at odd times and I'm likely not to cook just for me. Or not much- a "one pot" kinda dish!
