Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday Thoughts- No Time to Sleep

Here's what I'd like to be doing right now...

I don't know why I've been so sleepy this week. I'm blaming the weather. After it was so beautiful this past weekend (we had highs close to 70 degrees) the thermometer took a plunge and the rains returned. Highs in the 40's with high winds. Not nice! I'm really ready for spring any time now!!

I'm not too upset about the dog. I just talked to Brandon and told him that Hobie was missing and he's coming home in a little bit. He wants to walk the woods and make sure he isn't back there suffering somewhere. He doesn't have a collar on, so I feel good knowing he probably isn't hooked on something. I don't know if he would have survived the cold night anyway. I had better have him take the rifle, just in case, though. Yes, I'm a farm girl. Animals die, but shouldn't have to suffer.

Savannah is already planning her next dog. Well, she's been planning her next dog for about a year now! She wants what I call a "purse dog." I'd prefer something larger. I loved the size that Madi was- 45 lbs was about right. Except for the fact that she wanted to be a lap dog! We're not going to get anything until the fall, though. I have two week-long trips planned and don't want to have to board a dog or try to get someone to take care of it. Especially if it is so new.  But I like having a living creature around- we'll see if I can stand it that long.

In other news, the girl made the school softball team which means, coupled with her travel team, I'll be watching a LOT of softball this year. That's good- much better than too much basketball (which if you know me, isn't my favorite sport! LOL!) I'm proud of her. After the basketball disappointment, she was on edge about making the softball team. But not making the basketball team did teach her a good life lesson. She told me, right before softball tryouts, that she really hoped that this time, God planned for her to make the team. But if He didn't then something really good must be in the plans! I love that girl!!

I have one more class in my lay speaker training. Before class on Monday, we have to write our testimony and be prepared to give it before the class. TEN MINUTES LONG! So you may see me post it here and ask for lots of editing  help! I haven't even started yet. I'm wondering how, as a life-long Christian, I have enough of a testimony to fill ten minutes! Guess I'd better get to work soon!

That's about all the thoughts in my head at the moment. I have ten minutes before I go get the girl from practice so I'll see who else has been online today. I'm sure glad to see new blogs- some of these silly links are starting to get on my nerves. Give me something to READ!!


  1. Awwwwww.. what a day you've been having.. hope you find your dog.. it's still better to know.. than to wonder.

  2. As a life long Christian, you have so much experience that ten minutes should just be warm up.

    Ahhhhh, we both get to see lots of baseball this year. Nate is full time 11U travel. I am the league coordinator for our 9-10 year old baseball league. Yep. I love it. I have to disagree with you on the basketball comment though. Basketball is my second love.

    Interesting to see your comment about how farm people view their animals. I have had people get upset with me who don't have the same viewpoint.

  3. I used to be much more sentimental about animals until I moved here to the country. Now I'm more pragmatic I guess. last Sunday I had a terrible accident involving a truck, and a cat that had chosen to fall asleep up inside the motor somewhere. I won't go into details, but it wasn't pretty. Before, I would have been almost hysterical. Now, I was just relieved that the poor thing was killed immediately. Having said that, if it had been Junior, the little one I've been looking after since before Christmas, I would have been really upset. Shane warned me not to get too attached to him, what with all his ailments and the wild animals around here in the woods. Oops... too late! :)

    I'm glad Brandon is taking the news about Hobie better than you'd feared. He sounds like a kid with a good head on his shoulders... just like his Mom. :)

  4. I'm glad Brandon is coming home. I think my main concern would be if Hobie was suffering, or know (mother things). He had a good life with you.

    I don't know the terms...testimony would be - what? I can wait till you post it, and then I'll have the answer! Ten minutes will go by fast once you start. I remember those 7 minute "skits" (for want of a better word) it was like a practice situation...women had to be seated and talking to each other (since women couldn't "preach" from a standing position if there were males in the congregation unless they had a head-covering). Each situation (something that could happen in real life and how it would be handled) was 7 minutes long. We were given a scripture and had to find a way to incorporate it into the discussion. I was so nervous I usually plowed right through in less than 5...ugh I hate public speaking even now because of this.

    Good for Savannah. She has a good attitude (just like her mama). xo

  5. A testimony is the story of your faith walk. That sounds like a pretty fun exercise, Kat. I don't mind speaking in public. Usually my problem is more of knowing when to shut up!

    And Savannah does have it together. Especially for 13!

  6. I have tired spells. Congrats on the class - hope you aren't too nervous about the last stretch.

  7. Story of your faith walk...that's a really good, simple way to put it! I have to remember that!

    I am a lifelong Christian, but I had a period of time in my teenage years where I questioned a lot. Then I had a lot of questions in college too (as a philosophy minor, imagine that) but the answers were often so ridiculous it helped me reach my own conclusions. So I would add all of my obstacles into my testimony, if I had to do one. Did you have any areas of shaky ground in your life?

  8. Good question Sandy- I have never questioned God's existence, but I have wondered if other religions didn't have some good things to offer. I love the meditativeness of Bhuddism, the earthly tuning of paganism, and I absolutely adore those Bhuddist prayer flags that are so, so pretty, taking their prayers up to heaven.

  9. I'm sorry about your doggy, hopefully he went somewhere to hide and die. Cats like to be alone when they don't feel good or are dieing too. Do you have any evergreen shrubs near the house that he could have crawled under? I hate the not knowing. When I was growing up we had a couple of cats that disappeared and it was awhile before we found then in a ditch or somewhere near the road where they had got run over. I would be upset and grieve until they were found and then I could accept it and go on. I can't even imagine how the parents of children who get abducted feel. The not knowing must be unbearable.

  10. No silly links from me Janeen. Just my blogs with some pictures thrown in when I am able. I just have two days left of all this wonderful luxury. I can't wait to be back and I don't want to go.... all in one. It feels strange

  11. I can imagine, Dai. I bet you'd like to be able to pick up your family and your life in Nepal and transport them to the UK! The worlds are so different, though!

  12. Janeen, did Hobie ever turn back up? I'd forgotten about it to be honest, but I've not seen Juniorette since early afternoon and am a bit worried now. Made me remember you telling us here about Hobie.

  13. No but I did find out what happened to him. (Its a small town!) Someone found him and tried to pick him up- which was a mistake, even I didn't try to pick him up or he'd bite me. So animal control came to get him. I can't even type the rest but you can imagine... I think, anyway. My sister talked to someone who knew the person who got bit. So I'm not totally sure it was him. He was over 2 miles from home if it was.

  14. Oh wow... that's worse than what you'd first feared. Poor Hobie... if indeed it was.

    Juniorette turned up, thankfully. She was there on the doorstep waiting for her breakfast the next morning. :) It turns out she'd gone back up to Roger's trailer, to hang out with her feline family for a while, lol! I'm glad Roger told me... I won't worry so much if she goes AWOL again.
