Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday Ten- The Conversation with Me

1- Me: I want to go to the gym tonight for body pump.

2- Her: No you don't. It's cold out there. It's raining.

3- Me: Yes I do want to go. I'm starting to get in shape and don't want to stop now.

4- Her: No, you want to stay home and sit by the fire on the computer and eat.

5- Me: Yes, I'd like to do those things but I need to go to the gym.

6- Her: You don't "need" to go to the gym. You'll still get up tomorrow, the world will still turn, and you won't have sore muscles.

7- Me: But I like the sore muscles. They mean that I worked hard.

8- Her: Since when did you like to work hard? You like being lazy more.

9: Me: Lazy is good for you but not for me. I need to work. Now shut up and stop trying to talk me out of it.

10: Her: *grumbles* Darn, I thought I could talk her out of it.


  1. *laughing* Cute. I usually win out over "her" too ... but not always. Good for you!

  2. lol.....am hoping to feel better to go back tomorrow too ;-)

  3. Good thing I'm divorced because I don't have to argue with HER anymore! lol

  4. Hmmm I should try this exsperiment. lol, I say smack that lil controlling wench right off your shoulder heheee

  5. GET MOVING WOMAN..........

    NOW! lmao

  6. Right now I'm just being lazy...and paying the price.

  7. I need to start listening to "Me" a bit more, but up till now "Her" as won the argument ...LOL

  8. Was that Savannah ? Or maybe you and your inner you ?

  9. You can have it both ways. I haven't used my AeroPilates exercise machine since I hurt my shoulder the other year, I'll sell it to you at a good price. It's in excellent shape, it just needs the cat fur and dust cleaned off of it. lol Hope this link will work for you-this is a similar one they have at QVC (where I got mine). Mine also has the DVDs that show you all the exercises you can do.


  10. LOL Dai, it was me talking to my inner-me, who was trying to talk me out of going to the gym!

  11. Sue, you're not using it? How much do you want for it?

  12. No, I do better using the other exercise machine I bought. I have bad knees and a bad back so it's really hard for me to get down on the AeroPilates and then back up again. Plus I don't really have room for it, it's sitting between the back of the couch and my dining room table and I have to move everything out of the way to use it. It can be folded in half but it's kind of hard for me to do alone. If someone who lives close to me wanted to buy it I was going to ask for $200 but you'd have to drive all the way from where you are so I don't know if you'd want to pay that much. Originally, including tax, shipping and handling, I paid $349.95. I know I'll have to take a loss when I sell it. I also have a mat that goes under it but the cats shredded places on that so I doubt anyone would want it.

  13. We're talking about coming up that way in April. If you still have it I may get it- looks like one of those things that would be fun to do!

  14. For someone your age who's still in pretty good shape it should be fun. It really looks like fun when they show them using it on TV. April is good, that will give me the incentive to get on the ball with getting my house cleaning and organizing caught up. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about getting stuck in snow on your way over or back. I have a Bosu Ball too if you're interested. Bad feet and ankles don't work well with a Bosu Ball-or at least mine didn't. lol

  15. Yeah, I love the mountains but don't like driving on icy roads. April sounds good!

  16. Not too bad! Every time I do this class it seems to affect a different set of muscles. Which is strange because it is the same routine. This morning it is my shoulders that I feel!

  17. Only two personalities? I thought "Eve" had three faces? LOL
    You have articulated the eternal inner struggle.

  18. Thanks Faye! I sat down to write my Tuesday Ten and those were literally my thoughts. So I wrote them down!

  19. I sent "Her" over to your place. I can see she's doing her job and not bothering me any more! Good job, Her!

  20. Oh good- does that mean I can send her on to someone else? I think Abby could use her!! Give her someone to argue with all day! (Tee Hee- love you, Abs!)

  21. Oh, definitely! Don't send her to Sandy because there won't be any arguments over exercise with her.....
