Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Stolen from the Wonder Twins who got it from some Mouse....

If you came to my house: You'd see the typical teenage mess. And a mess in the back yard where the patio and pool will (hopefully) be one day.

You would see: That I'm just as friendly in person as I am on here.

I’d probably feed you: whatever the kids left in the fridge. Which basically leaves out pizza and junk food. We can have grilled chicken and a nice salad!

And offer you this to drink: sweet tea, water, or lemonade. If I know you're coming, I'd get your favorite soft drink, but you're out of luck if you just drop in!

I’d undoubtedly ask if you’d read: anything on my bookshelves. If not, I'd let you borrow it.

I’d want to play this music for you: I think I'd show you what an adventure my IPod is on shuffle! There's bound to be something you like!

I’d want to tell you about: Scott- he is usually first in my head right now. The kids and what they're doing, not to pet the dog because he bites, and how my day was going.

I’d probably suggest a game of: hmm, we'd talk so much we wouldn't need to play a game! And I don't know where any of the pieces are, anyway. We could play the Wii- that is really fun!

I would definitely show off:  My kids, my pictures, the house (if it is in decent shape- and had the patio fixed!)

I might get on the computer and show you: tons of pictures- that is where they mostly are!

If it was a long enough visit: We would go to the wave pool and maybe drive up to the mountains. They aren't that far away.


  1. A drive in the mountains sounds good. I'd get lots of good pictures!

  2. Definitely! There are so many places to see up there, you could fill up several memory cards.

  3. I remember a trip my 2nd ex and I took once. We drove from Asheville NC to Winston Salem NC and it was thru some mountanious terrain. We saw some roterdenderen and some of the prettiest countryside ever. I think the East is more prettier than the West ever thought of being.

  4. This is pretty country. I like that I can drive an hour or so east or west and the terrain changes a lot!

  5. There's a phrase I never want to use...

  6. Me too, Dave.

    Hey- I have a Bible study for you and Sabrina- called "saving your second marriage before it starts." By Leslie Parrott if you want to look it up on Amazon.

  7. How 'bout 3rd ex? Maybe that's why I retired from the force.

  8. that's a good borrow (wonder twins?? haha) Maybe I'll steal it from you tonight.

    You sound like the real Southern hostess! You did on the phone too! hugs

  9. Police force? I used to live with an ex-cop. She'd been through 2 exes already. You'd think I'd notice something like that, huh?

  10. Um, I'll just hide from the dog. I'm scared of dogs.

  11. He's a little yappy thing- most people aren't scared of him because he's little and cute. Too bad he's mean (well, really protective, we'll put it that way!)

  12. The teenage mess reminds me of my house, although one of my boys is already past teen age, he still behaves as if he were much younger when it comes to mess. I like playing Wii too, Zé and I do it almost every day. I'm sure your house is a very friendly place, I won't drop by or even let you know I'm visiting, but I'm sure it would be great to know about your books, have a lemonade and admire your mean dog from a safe distance. Have a lovely day, hugs.

  13. That right there tells me I'm hiding from your puppy.... little yappy thing or not. *shudders*

  14. I will definitely check that out...I'm sure Sabrina will be interested too. Thanks, Dish!

  15. No problem Dave. I have the book and the workbook and am going to start it as soon as I finish my read-the-Bible-in-a-year task. Which I'm into October on! From what I've seen, you can do most of the study without having a 'significant other' in mind.

  16. Oh, but I definitely do have one of those in mind...

  17. I'm terrible about showing people music and pictures when they stay for too long. I'm not one who really appreciates unannounced guests who come and plant themselves in my house without fair notice and expect me to entertain them ... I do enjoy people who stay awhile and make themselves at home, though.

  18. I like these questionnaires Janeen because they tell us so much so briefly.
