Sunday, July 13, 2008

I cannot imagine 50 years...

I know I've been scarce around here the past few days. My mother's first cousins- and best friends- celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary yesterday afternoon. Mom volunteered us to be the caterers. (We've done that before- catered several family events, and we're getting pretty good at it!) I'll post pictures when I have time.

Can you imagine being married 50 years? They have been through so much together- raising children, caring for aging parents, moving out of town and back again, happy times, bad times, sad times, fun times.... I can't imagine! Probably because I'll never know.

We had a great time! My son, who grew up with their grandsons before the grandsons moved to Louisiana, had a blast getting back in touch with them. I got to see, and spend some good time with, cousins that I haven't seen in years. We all had so much fun (and worked so hard) to make this a special day for them.

The invitations were cute- since I'm not married, they were addressed to "Janeen and guest." So I told Scott he was invited (in that way you say, "I'm supposed to invite you to this but I know you don't know these people so it is ok if you don't want to go.") But he wanted to come! So he stood by me for over an hour before he had to leave to go to work. See why I call this the "undefinable" relationship?

The only bad spot in the day is my cousin (who is the happy couple's nephew and is about two years older than me) couldn't come. He is in the end stages with colon and liver cancer, and after getting ready, didn't have the energy  to make the 5 mile ride in the car from his house. That is so sad- I know he is suffering but would have been so happy to see everyone.

I ate too much, worked too much, and probably talked too much! But I have to make up for it today- there is much laundry (and icky, camp cruddy laundry at that!) and the grass has to get mowed! I'm off to church to ask forgiveness for working on Sunday! LOL!


  1. ok, YOU are making me tired just reading all that stuff!!

    I'm sure you will be forgiven for working on Sunday! lol

  2. Grist for the rumor mill, eh? Congrats to your cousins on their anniversary! That is a HUGE accomplishment, staying married that long nowadays. Kudos to them!

    I didn't know you catered. Do you just do family events, or do you cater for others? My ex used to do that (I think she does again now), and made quite a bit of money on the side from it.

  3. Now I'm not sure if I want to invite you over to my house for dinner. We don't do anything like that at all, even for guests. *sigh* It's kinda like being a kid and you're mom saying, "If you don't like it, you don't eat." *sigh*

    Oh, congrats to your cousins, though. I forgot that. Thanks for reminding me Dave. D'oh! I'm out of it today.

  4. I've never even thought about catering for a living (it is WAY too much work!) We've done a couple weddings and a couple of parties for family, and Sam's Club does a lot of the cooking, so never fear about that! I can put things on a tray really pretty, though!

  5. Oh. Well, you can come over then. lmao!

  6. It is a lot of work - I remember that from helping my ex prepare for her gigs. And Sam's did a lot of her cooking too (one of her trade secrets - don't tell her I told you).

  7. I like their fried chicken. (Remember, I'm not allowed to fry anything but eggs anymore. I'm also not allowed to make homemade gravy anymore, either.)

  8. Oh yes, I've heard of many kitchen accidents involving gravy! LOL- what is the story there?

  9. Poor Abby. I sure hope Art can cook.

  10. Second degree burns all over my right hand...

  11. Ok then, you won't mind me cooking when I come!

  12. Just so you know, I wouldn't mind that either, Dish.

  13. Um, guests aren't allowed to cook. You can stand back in fear while I cook and swear that I'm going to hurt myself and pray for me. =D

  14. OK then I'm going to cook for Dave- and see if I can find a flame retardant suit before I come to your house, Abby!

  15. I wish ... truly I do. It is so difficult to raise children on a broken foundation - so many issues that crop up and I can't count the times I've asked myself was it worth it? Well - in my case - yes - it was necessary, but it would have been better had things worked out differently. Anyone who makes it to the 50 year anniversary mark deserves a celebration.

  16. I agree Kat! Too bad we don't celebrate enough in between times, too!

  17. When my parents had their 50th, I had only been here a few months and was very glad I was! We (sisters and I) catered it. We hired a hall thru one of their church friends, so she felt involved, and we invited the whole congregation (actually there were several because my Dad had been the minister for 100 yrs). We had a slide show of all the years past (my idea) and I had to steal the projector and slides when I knew they weren't home (I live close) Talk about the Mission Impossible theme playing in your head...Bro-in-law chose the music, and many people volunteered it was a total surprise for my parents.

    I love reunions, but most everyone is gone that was a time to remember. I used to is WAY too much work.

  18. My parents celebrated their 50th in 1996. Their anniversary is in November, but we had a "surprise" party for them in August that year, during our family reunion in Nag's Head, NC. I said "surprise" in quotes because they were never fooled for a moment, although there was much Mission Impossible activity for us, as well.

    I remember that we ordered several cases of Cabernet Savignon specially labeled for the occasion. I still have a bottle of it.

  19. That's my family or spread to the four corners of the winds.

  20. I suppose we're lucky we're not more spread out than we are. It does feel like we're all disconnected somehow, though.

  21. I have four brothers and two sisters. Between the seven of us, plus my mom and grown nephews and nieces, we live in nine states. We have a reunion every two years, but not all of us can make it every time. This year was the first reunion that I've missed. My mom told me that a lot of the nieces and nephews weren't there this time, either.

  22. Sounds like it was an absolutely wonderful day! Family gatherings are always so nice... especially if everyone gets along.
    So sad about your cousin and such a pity he couldn't make it. Being with family and friends would have lifted his spirits, I'm sure.

    Oooooh...... Scott came as your guest!! I think things are moving slowly, but surely between the two of you. So nice that he got to meet your family as well.

    Have a wonderful week Dishie.
