Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday

1. My brain feels like mush. I think it is the heat. Don't know if I can think of ten things or not!

2. Multiply was down all afternoon, and I felt like I was having withdrawals. Sad, isn't it?

3. Why is it that I can work in the house for two days and no one says anything, but let the kids do 5 minutes of work and they need 15 minutes of praise?

4. What do you do when your tomato plants make a million tomatoes all at once? And all your neighbors have the same problem, so there is no one to share with?

5. Why is it all the food in the pantry, no one eats? There is no room to put food that we will eat!

6. Is it scary to anyone else that a loaf of bread won't spoil in a week? What kind of preservatives are in that, anyway?

7. Do you notice how all my thoughts seem to be about food?

8. And I'm not hungry.

9. I am tired, but my child isn't home yet so I'd better stay awake.

10. I unlocked the 10 minute hula hoop on my Wii today. Let me tell you, 10 minutes of hula hoop can kick my butt!

Hey! I made it to 10- and pretty easily!


  1. I did that! I think I'm going to have to have a spaghetti sauce cooking day and freeze a lot of it!

  2. Sure- wonder if they'd make it without mushing?

  3. If they mush...I do know how to make spaghetti sauce.

  4. Your loafs of bread last at least a week??? When my grandkids come over....zipppp its GONE !!!

  5. Yeah, the kids are tired of sandwiches right now. A summer of making their own lunch has them eating a couple of other things!

  6. HEY!! I forgot it was Tuesday!! Will Whiner Wednesday work?

    I canned my tomatoes when that happened.Once you have the jars and equipment, you can do it forever. For some reason I planted 12 Big Boy tomato plants one year...and omg. I had a pear tree and canned pears one year too! It's very nice to open your pantry and find a whole shelf with jars of tomatoes on it!!

  7. Hey, I like that! We could start a whole new series of blogs!

  8. The first year I had a garden, I planted four eggplant bushes. I don't even like eggplant...I just thought the plants were pretty. I had NO idea how prolific those things would be! I gave away a ton of eggplant that year.

  9. 10 minutes of hula hoop sounds like fun!

    Um, the stuff that sits in our pantry is usually veggies.

    My tomatoes aren't getting ripe on the vine.

  10. My mom has canning equipment- I will think about that! Otherwise I'll just turn it all into spaghetti sauce. I made some last week and it was really sweet!

  11. I want some. I used to watch my great-aunt can stuff. *sigh* Will you teach me?

  12. I'd have to get my mom to teach me to can. She wouldn't let us near the canner when I was a kid.

  13. It isn't hard, that's the great part. Skinning the tomatoes takes the longest, so be prepared to get very juicy, unless you can them with the skins on. I never did. It would be a fun thing to do with Savannah and pretend it's Little House On The Prairie Day.
