Monday, July 7, 2008

Come Monday

I had the best Sunday! Got up early and loaded up the girl with all the stuff she needs for a week away at camp. Since it is an hour and a half away, and she had to be there between 1 and 3, we went to church first. Scott rode with us, so we stopped about 30 minutes in for lunch. Savannah fell asleep in the car (surprise) and we were able to make good time- it is a pretty easy, mostly interstate, drive with not much traffic. So we leave the girl at camp and she barely said goodbye before she was gone.

So that left us the rest of the day with no plans. We had already agreed to wander around the mountains, but had no real idea where we were going. So coming out of the camp, there's this sign that says "Andrews Geyser >" so we decided to check it out. VERY neat. And apparently a Civil War battle site, too.


Wouldn't this look cool in the winter when it is frozen over?

We decided to head in the general direction of home- gas is too high to wander off too far. But we took the long, scenic route. Saw some pretty houses and beautiful country. (I love the mountains.) Coming back through Hickory, I said I needed to walk some more- we'd been in the car a pretty long time. So Scott says, wanna see the house I grew up in? Since I said sure, we head to the really nice part of town. It is an older house now but a nice cape cod. And he's reminiscing about what neighbor lived where, when he sees one. So we get out to talk. Then since I wanted to walk, we went to the park and spent about an hour walking on the trails over the river.

He's driving so I don't even have to worry about where we're going (except for how much gas my car is using, which I have decided not to worry about!) He left his phone at home but used mine to check in with his roommate, who asked if we wanted to go eat with him and his girlfriend. Who I know, believe it or not- it is still a fairly small town! And we know half of the people in the restaurant- more fodder for the rumor mill- but that's another story. So I got home at 9pm last night after the most relaxing, enjoyable day I can remember in awhile! I'll give you the relationship details later. Let's just say we had a long, long time to talk and I'm soooo happy to have a best friend who totally understands me!


  1. Glad you had a wonderful day...amazing how those will lift us up isn't it? I am back home now and am trying to catch up, which is one thing we REALLY must do!!

    Have a great week!

  2. Thanks Tricia! We do have a lot to get caught up on- if you'd stay home for a day! LOL!

  3. It sounds like you had a great day! I'm really happy for you that Scott is an amazing friend! =)

  4. believe me I would LOVE to stay home for a day.....even today on my day off I am running around like a crazy person!!

    going to try and do some mommy daughter scrapbooking this, that should last all of about 30 minutes...she has the attention span of a gnat! :)

  5. *sigh* Ian's playing video games. Laz is sick. Art's tired. I'm working on photos when I should be mowing the yard and doing laundry and cleaning. *sigh*

  6. Photos... that is what I can do this week while the girl is at camp!

  7. We managed to get three pages done before she lost

  8. I'm working on approx. 4 gigs of photos... I'm not even going to attempt to print them out here at home. I'm going to burn them onto a CD and print them out at Kinkos...

  9. Um, yeah....

    Go check out my Mono Monday. That's from this weekend.

  10. Wow! I think I would have chosen the house, too! That is way too cool!

  11. It's not a house. It's a museum of some of THE most eclectic stuff I've ever seen in one place. Have you ever seen 50 Faberge eggs in one room?

  12. I'm not sure I've ever seen ONE real Faberge egg!

  13. You'll get to see a lot of photos of them if I ever get them done. The damn computer tried to electrocute me. The surge protector went out and we've got a METAL keyboard. Holy crap that was painful unplugging everything.

  14. Unplanned fun is usually the best! But now we want details! LOL

  15. Oh you do? In a nutshell, we talked a lot about "us" and all we both have going on (I have two children- one a senior in high school next year and Scott is going back to college to be a minister) and we decided that we like just how things are right now- we're best friends, we share a lot, but we don't want to add the complication of romance into things right now. He needs to make decisions about his life without factoring "us" in and we don't need to have to decide to uproot ourselves for him (not that it would come to that at all right now.)

    In other words, we mean too much to each other to try something that we're neither one ready for. We had a good laugh at the gossip hotline, because it has run amok, and even had fun feeding it a little bit when we saw some people we know at dinner. I like taking it slow, and I LOVE having a best friend!

  16. Dish, you're the smartest lady I know. (I mean that when I say lady, too, cuz you ARE a lady.)

  17. Remind me of that the next time I do something lame-brained!

