Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Feeling Better

Well it took a little bit, but I do feel better. Supper tonight was the first meal that felt like it digested right since Sunday night. I'm still tired but I'm sick of being sick!

I did get a few things done this afternoon- this is the garage- remember that picture of the piled up mess from earlier- it is gone!

I also went and got a haircut. Maybe that is what made me feel better- LOL! I called hoping for an appoinment next week and she said "can you be here in an hour?" So I took it!

That isn't a lot, but it is more than I have done the past two days. Sorry I've been so scarce (and worried some of you- thanks for the text messages Abby!) but it is likely to be that way tomorrow. With a 4 day work week and taking one day off, I'm crunched to get everything done tomorrow. Cross your fingers and say a prayer for me that I don't end up going in on Friday for a bit.


  1. Hair looks very cute:) Glad you're feeling better too!

  2. Wow your haircut looks gorgeous!!! And Im glad that you feel much better. Today is my last day of the work week and Im soooooo looking forward to this little break from work. Will be going to the baseball game on Friday evening. Pat got tickets for the buffet area so we will be dining on hot dogs, hamburger, brats, potato salad, fruit, chips, etc the WHOLE Then they have fireworks right thats our 4th of July celebration.

  3. your haircut is so cute! I have been considering getting mine cut short too...and all wispy like that. I just have a feeling on me it would look like I did it myself, and I'd have to wear a hat for 6 months. At least now I can pull it back. Remember when our kids cut their own bangs? hahaha...1/2" long and a chunk missing in the middle?

    Glad you feel better finally. I don't feel *as* bad...but still not great. If I could just sleep for a few days without being interrupted I think I'd be better. Not gonna happen this week anyway.

    hugs my pretty friend.xox

  4. Thanks Bill & Doc! Kat, shoulder-length hair would work on you! It would be cute, too! I do remember Brandon cutting his bangs- one chunk right at the scalp. I think he was 4! LOL!

  5. Gosh....for a sick lady, you look GREAT! I love the new haircut.

    You're welcome for the text messages. Sorry that I didn't call you last night. We ended up getting groceries and doing chores and the like and before I new it, it was 10 p.m.! I'll try to send you some texts, though.

    Get better soon! I wish I was there. I'd bring you some of my gramma's chicken soup!

  6. hope you get some much needed rest this weekend

  7. What she said.

    Glad you're feeling better, Dish!

  8. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and I agree that your hair looks HAWT!!! :)
