Monday, July 7, 2008

Guess what I did?

If you know me at all, you'll know I have lost 50 pounds in the last two years and are more active than I used to be. (Still want to lose 20 more, but that is another story.) I got that tested tonight- I played in our church softball game! I haven't played softball in probably 20 years or more. I have seen TONS of games that the kids played in, and have even watched most of the church league games this year.

This is a co-ed team, but each team has to have three girls or you take an out each time through the order for the missing girl(s). We were a girl short, and are going to be a girl short on Friday, too. So they asked if I'd play. I wasn't too sure about it- not  hitting a ball in 20 years, my son-his best friend- and his girlfriend are on the team, and Scott is on the team. But they said hey- you can't do worse than the automatic out we already get. So I played.


I did great! I actually hit the ball every time- got on base and scored a run once! And I caught a fly ball in the outfield! I felt like a star! Even Brandon, when I asked if he was too embarrassed, said "no- you did GOOD!" So I'm playing again Friday night. I might not be walking tomorrow, but that gives me a few days to recover! LOL!


  1. Whoooo hoooooo! You do better than I do! =)

  2. Hey - that's a great story!

    Years ago, I used to walk about three miles a day and engaged in aerobic dancing at intervals throughout the day. I got away from that; though I do walk a much shorter distance and I use the weight bench, but I've gotten a little lazy in my old age (ha ha). What I remember is that the more muscle I developed, the more calories I burned and the whole cycle eventually led up to an addiction to the endorphines in my body. Great stress relief.

  3. I walk 2 to 3 miles three times a week. But haven't run sprints like this in years! My legs are still shaking!

  4. Ya did good little lady. Church league teams are the greatest. The fellowship with others, your teammates, and you get a little exercise also...Im very proud of you.

  5. Sprints are easy. It's the long runs that kill ya.

    Um, ya wanna go swimming with me, even though I can't swim? (I can dog paddle and float on my back. Does that count?) Okay, how 'bout play in the pool with me?

  6. Go DISH! Let's get some video!

  7. Sometimes I get lucky. What about it, Dish? Do we get to see Softball Momma in action?

  8. Hi Janeen. It's great what you did. I am wondering if you intend to shed those extra 9 kilos. I still have 8.4 kilos to lose and it's hell. I lose 50g to 100g daily. When I first started the diet, I could lose 200 grammes a day but now it's much slower even though I am eating just the same. I eat almost no fat except for a minimum amount of olive oil for cooking things and a very small amount of coconut in my dal. I am thinking of eliminating that coconut too but it is so tasty.
    Take care Janeen and congratulations for playing. Tony

  9. Wow. That's wonderful! I used to play Wally-ball with a team back when I was thin...I'd love to do that again.

    How about some video? Just like the last one, only circling you!!!

  10. Well if the long run is harder than the sprints, I think I'll pass! LOL!

    I'd love to go swimming! I think I was a fish in a previous life. 20 some years ago, I also used to swim a mile 3 times a week at the YMCA. I also taught swimming and was a lifeguard, so you'd be safe!

  11. You'll have to bribe someone with a camera. I'm playing, remember?

  12. Yes, I am working on it- but the rate of loss slows way down when you're close to where you need to be! No more losing 2 lbs a week! But it will go eventually!

    Tony- don't eliminate all the fat- you need some in your diet- and you're doing so good!

  13. Way to go Dish! Get out there and have some fun and get some extra exercise in as an added bonus!

  14. FANtastic!! Way to go!! Hope you don't get hurt... and glad your son isn't too embarrassed to have you out there playing! :)

  15. Hurt would not be good. I'm sore enough right now!
