Monday, July 28, 2008

Stolen from salt loving, bacon eating... heck, I don't know where it came from!

What color is your toothbrush? purple and white, and has its own battery!

Name one person that made you smile last night? My daughter.

What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Coming back from lunch with Scott.

What is your favorite candy bar? York peppermint patty- that counts, right?

Have you ever been to a strip club? No.

What is the last thing you said aloud? He's my friend. (Talking to my son about Scott.)

What was the last thing you had to drink? Water with lemon.

What are you wearing right now? Green kakhi capris and a yellow t-shirt.

Have you bought any new clothing items this week? No, unless you count a pair of flip-flops.

When was the last time you ran? The last softball game I played.

Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on multiply? I think it was a comment to Dave on Ajax's blog.

Do you take vitamins daily? No.

Do you have a tan? Not really, only what you get accidentally.

Do you like Chinese food over pizza? I'm not real crazy about either one.

Do you drink your soda with a straw? I don't drink soda.

What did your last text message say? Last one I sent was to Brandon- about his bank account.

Are you someones best friend? Yes!

What are you doing tomorrow? I think we're putting up the pool (I know, summer's mostly over, but that's the way things go around here!)

Look to your right, what do you see?  A wall with a picture on it.

What color is your watch? What watch? I use my cell phone if I want to know what time it is!

Do you use chapstick? Rarely.

What is your birthstone? opal

Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive through? drive through

Do you have a dog? yes

Last guy you talked on the phone with? Scott when he called today to see if I had plans for lunch.

Biggest annoyance in your life right now? the newlyweds who fight all the time and want a moderator.

Can you say the alphabet backwards? If I ever have so much time on my hands that all I can do is memorize it backwards, remind me to get a life!

Do you have a maid service clean your house? My mom sends her housekeeper over once every two weeks if she doesn't need her.

Are you jealous of anyone? No.

Do you love anyone? Yes lots of people.

Do any of your friends have children? Most of them do!

Do you hate anyone that you know right now? I can't bring myself to have enough feelings for the ex to muster up a good hate. So I guess the answer is no.

Do you use the word hello daily? Probably a million times!

Do you like cats? And dogs, and horses, and a lots of others of God's creatures.

Have you ever been to six flags? No, there isn't one close by here. We have Carowinds instead, which is basically the same thing. And I haven't been in a couple of years.

How did you get your worst scar? I tripped over the threshold of a door and hit my head on the counter- I was 10- got 8 stitches on my forehead. I think that is worse than my caesarian scar, because that one you can't see.


  1. Hmmm, I'm going to have to look up what my birth stone is if I want to steal this one:)

  2. Just ask your girlfriend to fill in that blank for you, Doc. It worked for me!

  3. Are we suppose to put our answers in your comment box?

  4. Doesn't matter to me- I think the rest of my friends here already have it on their blogs. I'm behind from this weekend!

  5. lol @ "the way things go around here" I hear you loud and clear on that one.

    and THANKS for the card...I needed that! :)
