Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday

1. I wonder if Abby is even playing the lottery...

2. Do we not have better things to talk about than penguin wings/flippers?

3. What are we all doing at work today if everyone is here?

4. I really need to go check out Burr from the library so I can read it in time.

5. I need to find my library card first.

6. What did we do before text messaging?

7. What did we do before cell phones? And what would happen if I left it at home one day?

8. I need to think of other things I haven't done in 20 years and try them again. With a couple exceptions.

9. No, I'm not telling what those exceptions are!

10. Can you tell there is nothing to do at my work this morning and the boss is away?


  1. Probably, but it's fun, 'cause it vexes Ajax.

  2. I did notice you're a bit more active than usual today.

  3. oooh you're there and bored? talk to me momma!

  4. Sheesh! I wish I could get away with wearing a bathing suit like magickat. I'd probably get a ticket for scaring the fish. (sigh)

  5. lol....well if she isn't there goes my idea of road tripping in an RV with everyone puking!!

    Glad you had a slow day and could play some. I went back to work today and it wasn't too bad....of course I only have two more days this week...hehehehe

    speaking of cell phones....we need to chat!! :)

  6. 1. I wonder if Abby is even playing the lottery... <-- Yeah. I didn't win, though. *stomps foot* Oh, well. There's next time.

    2. Do we not have better things to talk about than penguin wings/flippers? <-- No.

    3. What are we all doing at work today if everyone is here? <-- I don't have internet at work so it's just YOU guys. *pouts* I'm always too busy these days to come here during the day unless I take a day off.

    4. I really need to go check out Burr from the library so I can read it in time. <-- What's Burr again?

    5. I need to find my library card first. <-- I have one. I never use it. I use by Amazon coupons more often.

    6. What did we do before text messaging? <-- We passed notes in class.

    7. What did we do before cell phones? And what would happen if I left it at home one day? <--We had party lines and listened to our neighbors talking. If you left it at home? You'd have a laugh later on in the evening after one of my text messages. =D

    8. I need to think of other things I haven't done in 20 years and try them again. With a couple exceptions. <-- Roller skating. I'll go with you.

    9. No, I'm not telling what those exceptions are! <-- I think I know what they are. I'd still do a couple of my own anyway. You can babysit, or stop me. Whichever you would find more amusing.

    10. Can you tell there is nothing to do at my work this morning and the boss is away? <-- I need you to help me at my office.


  7. I say to heck with the fish. Scare 'em to death (cuz that's what I'd do) and then have dinner. You don't have to mess with worms and hooks and fishing lines and fishing poles.

  8. LOL @ Abby! You're too funny tonight!

    I have been roller skating- did that last year with a group of kids from church. It is NOT like riding a bike- you can't just get back on again!

    I have been bike riding again, skiing, and now softball. Think I'll join the old folks that play volleyball on Monday nights... now if we only had a lap pool in this town I'd be set!

  9. I can't use the internet at work, so I'm out of the loop.

  10. I usually can't but the boss is off this week and it was so slow- I'll pay for it tomorrow, though.

  11. You're busier than I am, when it comes to fun stuff. I've always been a butt sitter, though. We've kinda got a pool close to us. I think I'll talk Art into taking me to Knights Action Park some weekend. It's expensive but what the heck. I want to go play in the water again and our town pool closed.

    Um, ice skating?

  12. No ice skating in the south- no ice!

    I'm not brave enough to try water skiing again- and I don't have a boat! There's always bowling!

  13. oooooh let's go bowling...that is great fun...and putt-putt too!!

  14. Oh c'mon Silly, live a little!

    How about bumper boats?

  15. Bumper boats are fun! *tosses Dish in pool*

  16. Don't worry- I can swim!

    *splashes Abby in the face*

  17. *squeals in delight* WATER FIGHT! *takes BOTH hands to soak Dish*

  18. *splashes Abby back and hides behind Trish...*

  19. This is fun. lol! *floats on back, kicking a lot of water with feet in Trish's and Dish's direction*

    Great, you two rhyme. *rolls eyes*

  20. *psst... Abby... Dave's not looking... let's splash him!*

  21. Ooooh! Nah. Let's just pull him under the water.

  22. Ok on three...

    One... two... .three...

  23. Darn, it isn't the same when he doesn't even protest!

  24. I know. Dave's kinda a party pooper sometimes.

  25. *yells for Dave in sonic boom voice*

  26. I don't think he's listening. *sigh*

    Dish, I have to get up early in the morning. Thanks for taking a virtual Dells trip with me tonight and playing in the water. That was a lot of fun! G'night, though. I have to get up early in the morning.

  27. G'night- I should be in bed now too! But I'm having too much fun!

  28. I love bumper boats!!!! And those boats that are like bikes!

  29. I hate text messaging ... I prefer the person call. But, I get text messages from computers telling me they are sick :), so my texts msg are usually bad news work related.
