Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yay! I have a new halloween avatar! Everyone else had one so I wanted one too!


  1. Well there is a method to my madness. When they scream and run, maybe they will drop their bags. Then I quickly snatch all the butterfinger candy bars.

  2. I'm thinking of an outfit..

    I dunno.. what do ya think.. is it me??

  3. If only I had stopped with changing my avatar. I changed my site layout too-3 different times. Just couldn't get the right combination of pictures and colors to suit me. I'm so anal. lol Lost track of the amount of hours I spent working on it. There's even a new playlist with spooky sounds on it.

  4. I need to do that too, Sue- just haven't had the extra hours to give!

  5. I wear the same costume all the time. Halloween or not. Scares the heck outta the kiddies.... it's called "grumpy old man" muahahahahahaha!

  6. LOL- every year I say I'm going as "overworked stressed out single mom." No costume needed.
