Friday, October 9, 2009

"When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him." Saw this on Jeffster's page and had to adapt it a little bit- but it's so true! !


  1. woman's shitbox is another woman's treasure? rotfl

  2. I'd like to find her and thank her for doing me such a great favor!

  3. Just send her a christmas card and a box of chocolates with a picture of a smiling Dish in her new life. Write on the bottom "I owe it all to you!"

  4. yeah she gets what she deserves, a cheating sob that can't be trusted. I agree.

  5. Is this kinda like "You reap what you stole?" lol

  6. Cute Bill! Yeah, I guess it is like "if he cheated on me with you, he'll cheat on you with someone else!"

  7. lmao! I have no worries about that one! Mine is here to stay!

  8. Heh. I told mine today he ended up marrying his mom. He laughed. Still here, though.

  9. I am not for sure, but there probably statistics somewhere, that prove, if they (man or woman) cheat once, they are more prone to cheat again. I could be wrong.

  10. Good Cherei! There are some good guys out there- they're just all taken! Ha!

  11. You've got a great guy too, Susan. He's the best!

  12. I'd think you're right about that. Some people don't understand commitment- and until they do, are probably less likely to act committed!

  13. We're committed.. together! It's a fifty / fifty commitment! I'm seeing more and more marriages go the long haul.. I think.. most are waiting.. and taking the time.. to find their soulmates.. through thick or thin.. no matter what..

  14. "The reality is that there are a lot of unsatisfying and empty relationships out there. However, the reason why infidelity statistics are as high as they are is because people place a higher value on their careers, children, friends or hobbies and not on their relationships with their partners."

    That was a great article, Sam!

  15. Those people are only placing value on what they get out of the relationship.

  16. similar article to the two I posted above, seems to have a bit more depth than article one, but the data and information is nearly identical.

  17. That is very sad, that nearly 50% of the married population, infidelity has/is taking place.

  18. I really think marriage should be harder to do. You dont really understand what commitment is the first time around. I was married 30yrs and it was hard, especially when you try to get the other to hear you and they dont. Now Im not married but live with my bf. We both have been married before and just dont feel the need to do that again. However, we are committed to each other and honestly this is better. Because now we understand what that word means. And so we are together this way, willingly. A piece of paper wont make it work any better, its what comes from your heart.

  19. Same advice for a man if his woman runs off to another man ... happens and life goes on ...

  20. Hahaha You got that right Kat. lol

  21. I had it Died....second time around is harder.

  22. He is the best Janeen. *happy sigh* =D

  23. Hmmm.... I just want hubby happy. *shrugs*

  24. That's why you have a good marriage, Abby. My ex only wanted what I could do for him... when I got to the point that I could do no more (and even said- you're going to have to help me if you expect more) that is when he left. Very eye opening for me- I wanted his happiness and didn't realize that he wasn't doing anything back!

  25. I've heard so many different people say the same makes me want to turn in my "man card." How in the world can a person say he is a man when he's not willing to commit to a relationship?

    The Priest last week did a nice homily (sermon) on relationships. How men forget what they did when they were dating their wives. I really agree with this that a marriage, or a relationship is always a constant date. A husband should keep trying and trying to win her heart, even though she has already given her heart to him. Sadly, most husbands do not do this.

    Finally I attribute this annology. Its like a man is in the woods hunting a deer, stalks his prey, gets his prey, then hangs it on the wall and forgets about it. Its called the hunting ritual. All men have this hunting instinct in them and you can compare dating and marriage to it. Where a man finds a girl, dates her, whooos her, falls madly in love with her, marries her, then completely forgets about her. Wierd annology I know, but if you think about it....its true!

  26. That makes the most sense of anything I've heard, Bill. And although I lay most of the blame at his feet, I have to take some, too. I was so busy seeing to his needs (and the needs of the kids) that I didn't have time, or try to make time, for his wants. You're right, marriage should be a courtship.

  27. Once or twice a month, if affordable, the Wife and husband would both reap benefits from having date nights.Just them, no kids, no other couple, time for her and him, continuing bonding process.

  28. I hear ya there momma...sounds like mine. But I did give him everything he asked for that I could and he was never happy. And when I did the things I really didnt want to do and got sick from the stress, it made him mad. I agree it takes two. But I found out I did all the giving and he took. And I allowed that because of how I was raised and society. I thought I had to do this to keep the marriage going. Truth is tho, it does take two and when one only does what he wants, it wont work. This time around I decided what I wanted and needed and simply refused to date any guy who didnt fit that. Im a giving person, its natural so that will never stop but I have needs too. So I looked for a guy who put me first. They are out there. Rare tho. And that truly is a sad state for our society.

  29. I don't do everything I want, I admit that sometimes I get annoyed at the stuff Blue wants to do (like talk, I so hate talking. Type to me honey, we will communicate better lol)) But we laugh with one another so much that even when I am slightly annoyed (i'm playing my game, or reading something [i'm ALWAYS playing my game, or reading something]), it's hard not to look over at her and do something funny or sneaky (like toss a wadded up paper towl at her) when she least expects it. Or walk in from the kitchen and stand by the bed twirling something (none of your business). Like Light Keeper said, a guy has to work at it to keep the woman he is in love with, happy, and she needs to do the same for her guy.

    I got lucky this time around, Blue and I even when grumpy, end up laughing with one another. We just 'get' each other. Coming from me.... that is saying a LOT.

  30. I cracked up when I read that Sam. I'm thrilled you and Blue found eachother. I've been with you long enough to know how long you looked for her!
