Thursday, October 22, 2009

View from the patio

It is a gorgeous, sunny, almost 80 degree day with no humidity and a light breeze. This is one of those rare, perfect days where you just can't stand to stay inside. So I have spent the afternoon on the patio reading, napping, etc. Just a lovely hour back here. I looked up at the water tower- which has been there so long that I don't notice it- but they have painted the name of our town on the sign. I wonder how long it has been like that? I don't notice details sometimes!

I wasn't the only one who decided to enjoy the outdoors. Hobie followed me. He also decided to play in the mud. So he's going to be an orange dog for a few days.

The roses I planted around the pool have really grown. They're going to be really nice next year. Actually, they're still nice now! I don't want winter to come- everything is so pretty right  now. Oh well, the leaves haven't changed yet, so maybe that will make up for the blooms going away- for awhile, anyway.


  1. I think when your so used to something just being there that you don't always notice.

    Don't you just love those perfect days? Really soothes the soul and regenerates you.

  2. When I go back inside I'll add a pic... It is still too nice out here to move!

  3. Grab it while you can, momma! (The gorgeous day, not the photo, lol!)

  4. I have the photos... Jamie is right, this regenerates the soul. I'm grabbing away, Sue!

  5. Wow! Get you! We're ankle deep in fallen leaves here and my left shoulder burns with all the raking! Wanna swop??!! :D

  6. Sure, since you have already done a lot of the raking, and mine has yet to begin!!

  7. The roses look beautiful already! I'm so happy you were able to take today and just enjoy the weather. Even the puppy got some down time to. :)

  8. You will never guess what we had here today. It was so sweet, NOT!!!! More rain, expecting some more also. Yeah, always need rain in the middle of a flood. lol

  9. I also couldn't get any pictures in my yahoo inbox this time. So I came here to see them. Here the weather has been idyllic also with cloudless skies and low humidity. Shame about the pollution though.

  10. lmao!!! Hobie sure was annoyed with YOU!! Wanted to go and play.. and you're dinkin' around.. foolin' with the camera!! lol. I love your new avatar!! It's adorable!

  11. You have an absolutely stunning view of the water tower.

  12. Wow thats really peaceful where you live!

  13. The top picture had a doorknob to hell in it. Oh my goodness!!!!

  14. Most of the leaves have changed here and a few nights ago when we finally had a heavy frost here in Marion the leaves all fell off of the walnut tree. They've been gone off of my old cherry tree. That's always the first one to lose it's leaves.
    It's lovely where you're at. Love your little doggie too.

  15. It really isn't. The road I live on is short and not many people drive down it, but the water tower sits across the main highway through town. I can see the fire department from my front door. Which means traffic sounds and sirens.

  16. I miss north carolina. You have a great yard.

  17. same here. Looks are deceiving. Janet thinks where I live is peaceful too, but she's comparing it to Houston, so yeah, probably more peaceful than that. But the traffic noise is non-stop no matter what time of day. Not so quiet.

  18. Yea I got the crowded and the sirens and noise of traffic! Husband lets move house!!! (to a 1 story and farther into the subdivision btw lol)

  19. looks very relaxing ! is your dog on the hunt or does his mouth always set like that ?

  20. He always looks like that. He has a horrible underbite! There's just no way he's getting doggie braces!
