Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sea's Blog from Susan..... all in one!

Are you a "black Friday" shopper? Absolutely not! I did that once to get a good deal on a TV- never again! Lines everywhere- and the TV was still on sale the next week. No way I'm doing that again!

Are you a bah humbug? No, I love Christmas! I'm so sad when it is all over and the decorations have to come down.

Are you cooking for Thanksgiving or traveling elsewhere? I'm actually cooking Thanksgiving dinner at church for 200! How's that for cooking? My family divides up the cooking. Mom usually does the meat, my sister has veggies, I get potatoes, my aunt the desserts, and my brother the drinks.

Do you decorate your tree with a theme? Yes- ecclectic catch-all from years past!

Do you decorate your yard with lights?  Nope. No one would see them at the end of the dead-end street!

Do you dress up for Halloween? I usually go as a stressed out single mom. No costume required.

Do you eat your kids Halloween candy? I'll snag a Snickers or Babe Ruth. Not much else I like.

What is your most memorable Christmas gift you received as a child? I got my first "real" ring when I was 16- opal with diamonds around it.

Do you enjoy holiday sales or shop early just to get it done? I shop along as I get time. I'm usually done the week or so before. If it is on sale, fine, if not and it is what the kids want, they get it. Within reason, of course!
Do you get up for the early bird sales? Did you read my Black Friday answer? No way!

Do you have any family traditions? Pickup hors d'oeuvres on Christmas Eve so that everyone can go to their different churches at different times; we have my niece's birthday on Christmas Eve (poor thing) and do Dirty Santa with that part of the family; Christmas breakfast with my mother and brother and then presents. Then the kids all take off for other families.

Do you have any holiday jewelry? I think I have a Christmas tree pin.... somewhere.

Do you have any unique Thanksgiving rituals or traditions? No, pretty normal stuff.

When do you put your tree up? Whenever I get a chance.

Fake or real tree? Usually fake.

Are you making any homemade gifts? Not really. Some ornaments and baking some things.

Do you like getting gift certificates for presents? Absolutely- send them on!

Do you make any holiday crafts? Some ornaments.

Do you make Christmas cookies? Sometimes. Depends on how much I want to bake.

Do you own any holiday clothing? I have a reindeer shirt that lights up and a Santa sweater.

Formal and fancy or casual and fun for Thanksgiving Dinner? Comfy. Always comfy.

Do you pay for gift wrapping? Nope- can do that myself.

Do you send out Christmas cards? Yes.

Do you shake the Christmas presents? Not since I was about 12.

Christmas morning…wake up at home? Yes. Then go across the street to mom's house.

Do you stock up on after Halloween candy sales? No trick-or-treaters here.

Do you take your kids trick or treating? Yes- we go to a friend's house in a big neighborhood and join in the fun.

Do you think your dh/so will get you something you want for Christmas? If he'd just send the child support that would be plenty. Jerk.

What is your favorite holiday song? Whichever one is playing at the time! I love Silent Night; Do You Hear What I Hear?; and The Happy Elf (Harry Connick Jr.)

Where do you find the best holiday deals? Usually after Christmas. I stock up on wrapping paper and decorations for next year.

Do you wrap your own presents?
Yes, and mom's too. She buys, I wrap.

Bows or ribbons on packages? Depends. Usually bows unless they're going to have to be transported somewhere.

Do your kids believe in Santa? Absolutely! He doesn't bring you anything if you don't believe!

Do you like haunted houses for Halloween? Depends on how well they're done. Most are pretty cheesy!

Do your kids write a list for Santa? They tell me and I call him!

Does anyone ever buy gifts for your kids that you would rather they didn't? Not usually.

Have you bought your kids prefilled stockings? No, they wouldn't eat half that stuff.

What is your least favorite part about the holidays? The mess it makes, from decorating, to wrapping, to unwrapping and undecorating!

Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? Finished? I have not yet begun.

Ever dressed up as Santa? Um, no. An elf? Yes.


  1. Um, that was a long time- and 20 lbs- ago!

  2. Be careful or she'll start dressing you up like one of her dolls.

  3. Um, no. She IS invited to come over, though for a tea party.

  4. Ajax, would YOU like an invite for the tea party?

  5. This is America. We bomb countries that have tea parties.

  6. Fine. No tea party with cookies for you, then. Be that way.

  7. Too late. I'm having radio problems and can't recall my bombers.

  8. They had engine trouble and had to return to base.

  9. I DON'T USE AIRPLANES......... I USE I.C.B.M.

  10. i like that -nice little holiday tag blog -
    I agree -Black Friday -no way !!! You wont even catch me on the streets driving to get a coffee.
    Your mom lives across the street ? You must get along pretty well then. I would never want to live that close to my mom. of course she's pretty close now and i still hardly see her. lol

  11. I have an awesome mom. I know I'm lucky- a lot of people don't- but she's not judgmental and she can actually listen to a problem and usually come up with a good solution- or at least a shoulder.

  12. You are the best Momma! I love reading these quizzes, it gives me a chance to imagine you in your day-to day. Have a wonderful Halloween. I'll try to check in more often.
