Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Friday Five

Abby got this from Boopster but got the week wrong, so I stole it from Jackie! Just a frivolous fun thing to do when you're bored- but it did make me think!

I know the Oscars are over now, but they inspired me to think about glamour, glitz, and the big screen.  Actually, I think it was George Clooney’s appearance toward the beginning that inspired the following statement, “George Clooney is the most beautiful person on this planet,” but I digress.  *sigh*  Anyway, your Friday Five challenge for this week will transport us all to tinseltown for a moment or two:

1)      They’re writing the screenplay for the story of your life.  What would this film project be titled?  Why?

2)      They’re casting the above named film project in Hollywood this week.  Who would you want to play you on the silver screen?  Why?

3)      Now that the star is in place, it’s time to add the supporting cast.  Who would play your significant other?  And, don’t worry, it IS a movie, so if you don’t have a significant other, you can still have someone play this imaginary person in the movie.

4)      More support.  Cast actors in the roles of one or both parents, your siblings, &/or your children—whichever roles are vital in the story of your life.

5)      They’re marketing your life onscreen. What film genre will your movie be tagged with?  What will the target audience be for this love story/thriller/musical/animated short/whatever?

1- We're either going to call it "Sleeping in Charlotte" or "Giving away Love." The first because it could be a really boring movie, and the second because, well, that is what I do!

2- Playing me will be Kate Winslett. She is beautiful in a natural sort of way and I can appreciate her talent.

3- Significant other? I guess Scott would be played by Mark Wahlburg. Cute, huh? I guess the ex could be played by Jack Nicholson.

4- My parents - my step-dad is Sean Connery, and my mom is Audrey Hepburn. My brother is Ben Stiller, and the teenagers- let's see, Chris could be played by Luke Perry and Brandon by Zach Efron. And Savannah would get me if I didn't let Miley Cyrus play her, although Miley is 4 years older.

5- This will have to be a musical! As much as I like to sing!

Either post your answers below or blog them and link back! Enjoy!


  1. Love your answers. Kate Winslet is amazing! And I wouldn't worry about Miley having to play younger, all those roles usually call for that :)

  2. hmmm....I shall have to do this I think. First I'll have to wake all the way up. I got a kick out of your Shitbox being Jack Nicholson hahahah...Until I saw that pathetic thing on ZB's page I would have argued that one. HAHA. "Janneeeeeen, I'm hommme"

  3. I don't think anyone would want to make a story of my life. It would be worse than a bad B-movie with a soap opera mixed in...

  4. OK, I did it. It took me a LONG time to get the names of actors! Rather than say "the guy who played Lucius Malfoy" I had to think of the movie they were in, google it and discover what some of their names were!! I never have been good at remembering who was who in what. *sigh* But once I got it down, I think all the people I picked to play the characters were rather spot-on.

  5. Oh no girl, not gonna get caught up in making my life would be a box office "flop" LOL

  6. A soap opera/b-movie centered in a hospital? I think it would work!

  7. Boy this is going to take some thought....and quite honestly I'm not sure there are nasty enough actors/actresses to play some of the roles I would need to fill. LOL
