Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm gonna die at 92!

I am going to die at 92.  When are you? Click here to find out!

This incredibly unscientific test tells me that I have another good 50 years left. But it got me to thinking- what if it said that I'm gonna die at 42- and I'm 41? What would I do? I know I would tell my family that I love them more than I do now- that means they'd hear it 10 times a day! I would probably just go for the relationship with Scott instead of letting it slowly unfurl. And, I'd do some things that I've never done.

I'd climb the highest mountain I could find-
Sit by a waterfall-
Go to the beach and lay out in the sun without worrying about skin cancer-
Eat all the ice cream and birthday cake I want-
Worship Jesus without concern for what the people around me think (I"ll raise my hands in the air if I want to!)
I'd be more generous with my time and money
I'd watch more sunsets
I'd start travelling to meet as many of my online friends as possible

I'm sure there is more I haven't thought of... you tell me, what would you do?


  1. lol.. mine said 89.. durn it.. They only missed by a hundred years or so.. cause.. I'm going to live much longer than 89!

  2. Sometimes we have to be realistic and think about when we die? Great Blog,


  3. I'm going to die at my desk and raise a stink.


  4. Damn, I don't know if I wanna live this long...


  5. This test had me laughing out loud..."how often do you feel vengeful?" HAHAHA...it was a hoot.

    Anyway, I have given this some thought before, what I would do if I knew I was going to die soon. And, I think almost all of the things you said, minus climbing a mountain, and maybe the Jesus thing (you know ole pagan Moi) but the rest sounds very do-able. I think I would buy lottery tickets like they were going out of style so I could win the cash and leave it to my kids. I would quit work IMMEDIATELY, and babysit my grandson after school instead of letting him go to after-school care. And spend more time outside doing nothing at all.

    I don't have any grand plans. Just a little more of what I'd like, and none of what I don't.

    This was a very good blog idea Janeen. You're so interesting!


  6. I always say I plan on living to be at least 100 years old. On my dad's side of the family making 100 is the norm.
