Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dealing with an idiot

Court was ok this morning- court is never fun, and I'm learning how to not be so nice (yeah, I still have a long way to go!) So the idiot shows up and starts on about how he hasn't seen his kids since June....What? Yes he has! And the judge stopped him and told him that wasn't the issue- they had to eat no matter where they were! So he did order wage withholding, and wouldn't consider changing the amount.

So now the idiot is being all nice. Actually asked me if I thought the divorce was the right thing to do. DUH! Told me he broke up with the girlfriend (ah, so that's why he's being nice to me!) Well, I basically told him that he ripped the foundation out from under the house and it wasn't so easy to put back! It is still all about him- why don't the kids call him (heck if I know, they have his number) and he might have to move because he can't afford his high dollar rent and child support too! (aw, too bad!)

I have learned so much through all this. I know what I was missing- someone who did little kindnesses just because they like you and they can- not because they're going to get anything out of it! Scott parked my car in the rain yesterday so I could get out under the shelter and he got wet! And he drove home from the ball game today because I asked him if he would- said it would be nice to have someone else drive for a change.

He may not be the person I will spend the rest of my life with, but he has taught me so much about the way I should expect that person to treat me! I'd never go back to what I had- heck, he'll only be nice until he makes up with his girlfriend, anyway! And I'm SOOOOOO much better off without him!


  1. See that, Janeen? There are better things out there.

  2. I'm no fan of court ordered support of any kind but, if you need lessons on being cold, I'm

  3. You go girl!! There is better out there!! There are also a lot of fakes or wannabe' steer clear of those!! I have no doubt you will be fine and A LOT better off without him!!


  4. Well you know I am seething here. I swear we were married to the same guy. The excellent thing is you can see through it all now. Before, you would probably have caved and let him come back, listen to his sweet talk and get your heart broken all over again...(some of us are stupider than others *ahem*) You're a lot stronger and smarter than I was the first few times, but now you can call me Iron Maiden LMAO.

    Great they ordered the support withholding. "wahhh" he can't have what he wanted. Hand him some cheese to go with that whine. Too bad he wasn't responsible enough to do the right thing in the first damn place. You work. But your kids deserve to be taken care of by BOTH parents, regardless of the one who walked away's wishes. I hate him. LMAO. He is and shall forever be Shitbox to me.

  5. So true Kat- and I'll always secretly think of him by your name! LOL!

    I hate it came to court ordered support. The nice part of me wanted to do this agreeably- but every time I thought we had something worked out, he refused to sign it. Since he hasn't given us a penny since June, court support works for me. Now we just have to get through the assets part (tee hee- I have to settle assets with the ass!) and I'm done. Divorce is final next week!!

  6. Everything happens for a reason. By your ex leaving you, you discovered how a woman should really be treated. That is huge Janeen!!!!
    I'm glad they are going to force him to pay child support. It will be a huge help to you I know it!!! As for his poor stories of poor poor him. Well, to bad so sad. He should have thought about all of that before he broke up his family!

  7. No secret here...when I come down to NC for a visit, and if I meet him I'll say "well HELLO Shitbox!"

  8. Why in the heck would you want to meet HIM? You're supposed to be spending your NC time with ME!

  9. I've got a big bat you can borrow *smirks and hugs you*

  10. Woo hoo! A Chicky bat would do the trick, I bet!

  11. I don't want to...but I was thinking like if he came to pick up Savannah...I could smack him with Chicky's bat and say in a loud voice "HELL-L-LO Shitbox" (like on Seinfeld)

  12. Well, you could always learn the sign for shitbox and when he comes around you can sign it. LOL

  13. Oh, I know several people who know sign language! I'll ask!

    Tee hee- I knew I loved you guys! Sure feels good to know that you have my back- and I love the bat, Chicky!

  14. I know ASL...but shitbox may be something I'd have to spell out.

  15. That would take all the fun out of it- we'll have to make up our own sign, then!
