Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Too tired to blog

I know I haven't been around much. Just way, way, way too busy this week. Monday, I worked until 2, Savannah had an orthodontist appointment and Brandon had a baseball game; Tuesday, they had a faculty vs. student basketball game at school and I had community chorus, and tonight, well, I did what I had to and now I'm skipping church. Just too tired. Plus, I get to see the jerk in court tomorrow.

I haven't seen him since June last year. And, since he is $10,000 behind in his child support, he is not happy about going to court. Oh well! Although, I think he and his girlfriend must have had a fight because he called yesterday and was being really nice. Like that is going to get him something!

I'm dreading tomorrow, and excited to think about having it over. Maybe Easter will be brighter with that behind me!


  1. Easter is always a good time for new beginnings! You know, keeping busy is a good thing, too. I'll keep you in my prayers. xoxo

  2. Thanks! I know it is the rain + my mood- I just want to sleep!

  3. I don't blame you. I want to go to sleep myself. You know, we just got back from the grocery store. We have cappuccino flavored ice cream sammiches. I'll share.

  4. Okay. Come on over. I'll get some more if I run out before you get here. =D

  5. oh that sounds gross...but that is cause I don't like coffee flavored anything! lol

    Good Luck with court...been there done that and you know you have been on my prayer list for a long time and will continue to be as you get a "do-over".

    Easter is busy when you work in a church, I remember that ALL too well!

  6. I'll have chocolate ice cream for you Hifly.

  7. WOO HOO...I'm there.....let me get in my boat and row down!!

  8. Cool- we all get ice cream!

    Yes, Easter is a bad time to be working for a church- plus, we have a funeral this week- plus I had to take a day off for court. See why I'm so blah?

  9. well turn that frown upside down are about to embark on a wonderful new beginning and the best part is God is right there with you!

  10. I know, and I'm usually up and positive. I guess there just have to be these kinds of days every now and then! Hopefully tomorrow about this time I'll be on the other side of the up-swing!

  11. actually I will be interested to see how you feel.....I know how I felt and it wasn't exactly on the don't be worried if you don't feel better.

    Yes, we all have to have these days...and that is why we have friends to pick us up and make us laugh and help us get through them! I miss those friends who I could call and were close to help me. But I treasure those who are far away and care about me just as much!!

  12. You'll be in my prayers, Momma...I know it's not easy for you, but it WILL be a relief to have done with it!

  13. We love you lots. You can be down and that's why we're here for you. I wish I could give you a real hug and real ice cream sammiches. If you came over, I'd play silly upbeat music, grab your hand and have you dance with me in the kitchen and then we could laugh like little girls! =D That always cheers me up!

    Dave, I'll save you an ice cream sammich.

    Oh, I also have some mint chocolate Irish creme, too. Over ice or straight up?

  14. I'm laughing just thinking about THAT!

  15. See? It cheered you up, didn't it? You wanna come over and dance in my kitchen? It's fun.

  16. If not, I'll drag you outside to my backyard. We'll get the girls next door and my eldest son's girlfriends and have a party out there! =D

  17. Just hearing about how you have to go to court gives me the shivers. I did that over and over for years (no joke) because my ex realized he could put anything off as long as he wanted by just not showing up and letting his lawyer go for a continuance. All the lawyers were buddies in Hooterville, and luckily for me, one of the partners finished my stuff up as best he could for free. It still took me going to Social Services to get anything done for child support. And get NC, you can opt for jail time in lieu of payment (unless they lied to me about that too). Your best bet is having his wages garnished so his only option is not to work. It doesn't mean he doesn't have to pay, but they are really lenient---apparently still are there. At least you have your house. Even tho I made the payments/paid the taxes with NO help from from that arrogant shitbox, I couldn't even keep mine. I still dream about living there (sniffles).

    Anywho....GOOD LUCK. Please keep me posted! I have no doubts you will come out happy and FREE!! hugs.

  18. Kat, you're right about the jail vs. payment. At least in NC. And they should order wage garnishing today.

    Abby, save me a dance! And an ice cream sammich. I'll come to collect one day- and Dave and Tricia can join us if they want!

  19. I've got a dance all lined up for you! And that ice cream sammich has your name on it! I think we could have a lot of fun, Nadeen! Trish and Dave will stand back and laugh at us! That's okay. We'll grab them and make 'em dance, too!

  20. Then we can laugh at them!

    You guys really do know how to make me feel better! I'll post when I get back and let you know how it went!

  21. Well, good. It's terrible it has to come to that (for him) since now he'll get the full shot ordered, when he probably could have reached an agreement with you on your own if he stepped up.

    Well, don't get me started on deadbeat fathers.

  22. And you know what? He is having to pay more than I originally had agreed to with him- but he wouldn't sign the papers. Oh well, he'll learn! Yes, they did order wage withholding so I should start seeing a check in a couple of weeks!

  23. Good for you. I take it that court went well today?

  24. It did go well! I hate it- the whole process. I'd just rather have people do what they're supposed to so I can just be nice. I'm not good at not being nice- but I'm learning!

  25. Well, don't take too many lessons from me! I'm a BAD influence!

  26. I'll just take the ones I need- sometimes I don't need to be nice!
