Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In a Funk

So, I'm just in a funk today. Missed two days of work this week with one whale of a cold, which still has my ears echoing like an empty rainbarrel. I'd love to sleep, but I'm tired of sleeping. All the kids abandoned me- can you blame them, it is spring break, they don't want to be sick! I don't feel like being with anyone but no one wants to be with me. You think I'd be grateful, right?

My divorce is final tomorrow. I will be so glad when that is over- it almost seems like a surgery day or something. You know, a day that you dread to get here but you're so glad to have over, and you know you'll be better once it is done. So that is part of the funk, too. I did get to look the stbx in the face on Sunday and say "no, I do not want you back" like why did he even ask? He's still living with his girlfriend! (Just to see if he could have his cake and eat it, too! Well, this cake has gone stale!) Maybe that is part of it, too. I don't have much planned to be excited about.

I really kinda like having a funk day every now and then. At least it reminds me of how good the good days feel! 


  1. OMG - your ex had the gall to ask you that??? What kind of an animal is this person? D day tomorrow huh? It will be like a relief and a big weight lifted off your shoulders. But there will also be a downside as a defeated feeling, can't really explain it but you will feel it as well. I thought that all the time was wasted in that marriage. But then I looked at my 4 daughters and knew then that God blessed me with 4 wonderful children.

    Have a great funk day girl, and relish the new times that are coming down the path.

  2. You're not stale. HE is. I tell you, you need to read some Christine Feehan books. Yup. Trust me. You'd like them.

  3. Any time, Abby, if you can find them, that is! tee hee

  4. Oh, well, we ALL know he's a total no-nuts. *rolling my eyes* Um, want me to pluck his eyes out like they're grapes? I tackle really good, too. Uh huh, uh huh.

  5. The guy's a sleeze - you made a good choice lady. Tomorrow's a big day - the closing of the door an an era. Feeling a little out of sorts is totally normal - but it will pass as your new world opens up with all sorts of possibilities. You're a good woman who deserves the best - go grab it.

  6. Tomorrow will be a watershed day in your life. When you reflect back on past events remember the good and do not forget the bad. Hopefully the bad can be avoided in the future. As an online friend I have made a few observations based on your writings, comments, and pictures. You have a beautiful smile. Use it often and share it with others. And remember what the poet said - glasses frame the beauty of a lady's eyes. Your writings convey a strong lady who loves her family, loves the Lord, and is a not just a survivor, but one who will thrive in the days ahead. You project a clear understanding that your value and self worth is not dependent on a man. Your Heavenly Father now has you under the umbrella of His protection. I pray you will make wise choices, have understanding, wisdom, and sound judgment in the days ahead. I pray all you fiscal and physical needs will be met in God honoring ways. I also pray a good old fashion hedge of protection (see book of Hosea in the old testament) around you and your family. Well, enough preaching from me.

  7. I'll be praying for you tomorrow girlie!! You are doing great and there are great things ahead for you...

  8. is the tomorrow you were talking about yesterday? *checks dates* I think so....I hope you said "Nice try Shitbox" and waltzed away? Probably not.You're too nice. I swear he's related to my ex. So far you've had the brains to see through what he was, and didn't let your own insecurities dictate what you did next. (And I know you did a lot of praying and got decent answers)

    I wish we were closer so we could celebrate!! I've been down too. Sick on Sunday, and funky since then. Just want summer to be here and to win the lottery blah know the drill.

    To top it all off, Vikki and I were looking at land records in Hooterville, and we looked up my old house (the one I have been dreaming about and mourning for years) and saw a picture of it for tax me all upset again. Not to mention what I was forced to sell it for back then, it is now worth almost 5 times that. And MY shitbox is sitting nicely in his $250,000 house in Indian Hill. So...I am considering calling in to work so I can sulk lmao.

    Big hugs and snugs---today you will feel wonderful again. XOXOX

  9. I hope cold is better, I've had one too, it seems you have a plane in your head that keeps circling on the ground and won't take off.
    So today's the big day, I've just read about it but I'm sure you must be congratulated, getting rid of a man like that is a reason to be joyful, buy a bottle of champagne and something fancy to wear, you will feel much better. Hugs.

  10. is that what that is?? lol I think I have one of those ALL the time!!

  11. Thanks guys- you are all fabulous! I don't know how people make it through the funky times without great support like this. My ears are a little clearer today, but I'm still coughing. Maybe today will be a cleansing- of head and heart. Not that the heart has anything left but a little longing to be a part of a whole- even though I'm strong and independent. I"m lucky to have a wonderful family and a great group of friends- Thanks!

  12. So today is the big day. I want you to know that this is the beginning of a new life for you. One chapter is done and a new one is beginning.
    You made the right choice with your ex.
    It will be like a load off your shoulders when it's finalized.
    As for your funk. We all get into them from time to time. You have a lot on your plate right now. Your emotions are high. All perfectly normal reactions to the changes.

  13. I have made the right choices, and my spirit is calm knowing I did all I could do and should do. It is a bittersweet day, but I know it will be sweet at the end!

  14. So here I am waiting to hear if there are any details to share?

  15. Well, no details- divorce should be final (I would have heard from the lawyer if something happened- I didn't have to be there!) Scott called and he wants to celebrate tomorrow- he's bringing steaks and a movie. The cold is getting better slowly, and the funk seems to be melting away!

    I'll share more details as I have them!

  16. Goodie. And share what happens tomorrow night too (as a free woman) tee hee.

  17. How was the first day of the rest of your life?

  18. Pretty good, Jimmie- thanks for asking. I'm looking forward to what God has planned!

  19. I'm looking forward to what Scott has planned *grins*

  20. Tee hee Kat! And you're so sure I'll tell?

    I did hear from my lawyer's paralegal today and everything went through fine. She is mailing me the official papers today!!!!

  21. well, of COURSE you'll tell meeee.

  22. Yeah, if there were much to tell! Actually, we had a really nice night. He put steaks on the grill and we shared a bottle of wine and watched a movie. He's still being a gentleman- I think he thinks I need time to heal, and maybe I do, so he's being a good friend.

  23. well, that's always nice. I think that would be the way it would have to be for me pushing. And I don't think anyone is that patient. To regain my trust in the male species would take some doing. If I thought there was such a person, it would be nice to consider.

  24. I'm the one having to be patient! I keep reminding myself that I don't know where this is going and not to push it. Just let whatever happens happen- and if it never does, I still have a really, really good friend!

  25. I don't think I have ever had a "really good friend" who had balls tell you the truth. They have all wanted something from me other than friendship. Unless it was a family member, in which case that would be my sons, uncle and father. Other than that...Kaiser my poor old dog who I miss terribly.

    You don't really have to know where it's going do you? How would you ever really know that anyway? Until you got there at least...I just wish men could be like women sometimes and merely enjoy eachother's company without worrying what they might want. *sigh*

  26. Well I am enjoying this relationship, whatever it is!
