Friday, January 18, 2008

Winter in the South

This is a real treat. If we get a "weather event" in the winter, it is usually ice. So yesterday was a beautiful treat of snow (well, with some ice on top, and then rain.) But this morning things are still white. The kids enjoyed a two hour delay of school yesterday, but will be getting up in a moment to go in on time this morning.

Now most mornings, they will do anything to get one more minute of sleep- often pushing things so close that we are racing to get to school on time. But not yesterday! They were up at 5am, playing around in the snow. Savannah had to get another shower before school because she was so wet and dirty! But they don't get to play in the snow often- although we are supposed to get some more on Saturday!


  1. We had our first measurable snow of the season yesterday too - with more on tap for tomorrow. I guess I've still got a lot of the kid in me too - I love the stuff:)

  2. what a lovely house! snow here is pretty ordinary---I remember when it was fun.

  3. We were supposed to get a snow storm yesterday but it only snowed about two inches. Now we are in for sub zero temps.
    I was supposed to get my biopsy today. But with it below zero I just couldn't take Sarah out in this weather. So, I guess I should reschedule it. Sighs...

    Have a wonderful day.

  4. I love your house! Savannah looks COLD! BRRRRR!

    We're supposed to be getting sub-zero temps. here, too, come this weekend. We just have a dusting of snow and mostly a thin bit of ice under that. It's a bit treacherous to walk on the sidewalks right now. I hate going outside when it's this cold.

  5. Thanks guys- the house is way too big (read "a lot to keep clean") particularly when the boys are gone, but it is home to them all so I don't know if I'll ever move. I'm glad that snow is not ordinary- I'd probably hate it- I don't really like being cold! Savannah wants to go skiing, but I want to watch from the lodge with my hot chocolate in my hand!

  6. I'd watch with you! Hot cocoa sounds really good!

  7. Glad you could enjoy a little bit of snow.

    I am already tired of it and I certainly am not looking forward to the frigid temps this weekend they are saying we are to get!

    *grabbing my favorite quilt, movies, snacks and hot chocolate and staying put*

  8. It is actually supposed to snow again tomorrow. It never snowed last winter at all!

  9. You got the snow.....all we got was about two flakes, a little sleet and then everything turned to rain. I gotta go fix myself some hot chocolate.....and turn up my heat just a notch on the way. I'll sit here and look at your snow covered house and yard while I sip it....and imagine myself there playing in the snow with y'all.

  10. It is snowing now- it isn't sticking to the ground, but it is pretty to watch come down!
