Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Personal Ten Commandments

Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Author:Helen Stiner Rice
1. Thou shalt be happy
2. Thou shalt use thy talents to make others glad.
3. Thou shalt rise above defeat and trouble.
4. Thou shalt look upon each day as a new day.
5. Thou shalt always do thy best and leave the rest to God.
6. Thou shalt not waste thy time and energy in useless worry.
7. Thou shalt look only on the bright side of life.
8. Thou shalt not be afraid of tomorrow.
9. Thou shalt have a kind word and a kind deed for everyone.
10. Thou shalt say each morning -- I am a child of God and nothing can hurt me.


  1. AMEN!!

    I really do like Helen Steiner Rice. My grandmother had several of her books and I read them often growing up to remind me of her when she was gone.

  2. Number 6 is the hard one for me. It is so hard not to worry about those things I can't control (probably because I can't control them!)

  3. I think mothers are wired to worry....so yes it is difficult to not worry butall you can do is #5! :)

  4. I love these! I'm not a mother but I'm a world class worrier myself. Thank's for sharing.

  5. Happy New Year Mama. May your year be void of old annoyances. And full of complete truth, genuine love, and honest friendships...

  6. 5. Thou shalt always do thy best and leave the rest to God.
    I live by this one

  7. Thank you...i certainly needed this. I have been fretting all that I cannot change. I will let go and let God.

  8. Great stuff! I always ask God to put his hand over my mouth when I don't think I can do #9.LOL

  9. nice Dish! I should learn to live by all these more often, life would be simpler ;)

  10. Thanks for sharing those good words and idea... Yeah I do believe everybody should do that.
    How beautiful if everybody takes this commandment as their living manual.

  11. If we only attempted to be successful at half of those in a day the world would be a better place. Hmmmmm....I guess that includes me also. Thanks for sharing. Was just passin' through and your page caught my I for some reason. Glad I stopped.

  12. A very positive set of commandments! Bravo.

  13. 11. Thou shalt end each day with Chocolate.

  14. Ooh, how could I forget that one!

  15. Hi this is Janet Kathys friend...oh those Commantments are to live by! My husb needs to have a good lookie at them LOL

  16. I just wandered in off the streets, thought I would stop by and check your page out. I really like these 10 Personal Commandments. Yes, it is easy to worry about things we have no control over, because we do not have any control over them.

    I really like your page, very uplifting. Love the Tiger Lillies? GOD bless you greatly.
