Sunday, January 27, 2008


Do you ever feel like blogging but have nothing to say? It is one of those days. Rare, I know- usually I don't know when to shut up. Things are actually going pretty smoothly here. Silent on the ex front, kids are happy, friends are good.... I guess since there's nothing to complain about, I have nothing to say!

I'm really having fun helping with children's worship at church. That seems to be what I look forward to all week. I'm on the drama team, and I'm playing the buffoon part. So I get to be silly and goofy and I'm having a blast! There's nothing like teaching kids. Somehow in the process, they teach you more than you taught them. Except now they all call me "Scooter" which is my character's name. Oh well, next session I think I'm a robot. So I need to start working now on my costume! Anyone got a silver body suit?


  1. Silver body suit? Nope. You can get a body paint that's silver, the same stuff they used on the Tinman in the Wizard of Oz movies. Would that work?

  2. I might settle for a mask. Maybe they still make Star Wars masks!

  3. Bless you for helping with children's worship. I coordinated/lead children's worship for 8 years in one church I served as associate pastor/day school principal. It was a blast. I recently saw one of the girls who had attended children's worship. She is now 29 years old and a medical doctor living here in Dallas. She told me that she had never been good in school or had confidence until I taught her and the other kids how to memorize simple Bible verses. She said she continued to use those techniques of memorization even in medical school. She said when I told them I felt God would honor them for honoring Him by memorizing Bible verses, it was the first time she every felt maybe she could learn or memorize. She said it was true.

  4. Thanks Jimmy! I believe this is the first time we have instructed our kids well on memorization, and I know it is the first time they have connected Bible stories and parables to their own lives. What is even more fun is watching more and more kids come each week. I think we had 11 visitors this morning (K-5th grade!)

  5. My silver body suit is at the soon do you need it Scooter?

  6. If you go to the Party Tree or a craft store, you might be able to get a Mardi Gras mask that's undecorated and then get some silver paint. Does that help? Hmmm.... You could also put feathers on it and spray the feathers silver and then when THAT dries, spray them with a shellac to harden them. That probably doesn't help much. You could try Goodwill or Salvation Army. They might have silver tops. Not sure where you'd get silver pants. Um? Use silver duct tape as a worse case scenario and use it to cover the clothes? That might work.

  7. just go get a lot of silver lame....

    I worked quite a bit with the children's groups at church before I had Catherine and after I had her I found that I was really more suited for the youth (jr and sr high) I love hearing from kids I have had in the past tell me how much certain things made an impression on them. Even better are the parents that end up thanking you for caring, guiding, mentoring and being a good role model for their kids!

  8. All right Doom. What's wrong with silver duct tape?!? *snickers*

  9. Silver duct tape rocks! You can do almost anything with it!

    Thanks Abby, I'll check out the party store! I'm trying to picture how to make a robot costume. I thought I could take a box and paint buttons and dials on it- I also like the silver lame idea- might be more comfortable!

  10. Cardboard made into cylinders... Body, arms, legs... You can make joints by using yarn. (Can you see I've been thinking about this?)

  11. I'm glad I gave you something constructive to do today!

  12. You're better than having a V8! *snickers*

  13. Well if you didn't want to sew the lame you could use the silver duct tape to hold it together then you are using

    Or just take white sweats and spray paint yourself that would be fun cleaning up...
