Monday, January 21, 2008

This was fun!

Ok, the idea is you fill this out with your own answers! These are mine:

Four Places I've worked:
Hardees (when I was 16- made college look really good!)
East Davidson High School (band director)
Blowing Rock Furniture (sales and management)
Unity Presbyterian Church (chief gofer!)

Some Movies I've watched more than once (in order of most watched) :
Mary Poppins
The Pacifier
Dirty Dancing

The last 4 books I read:
Marley and Me
Eat, Pray, Love
Chill Factor
(and the Cael book by Abby!)

Places I've Lived:
Hickory, NC
Greensboro, NC

Four TV shows that I watch:
What Not to Wear
Hannah Montana
Clean Sweep
Animal Cops

Some Places That I've been:
New York City
New Orleans
Alberta, Canada
Mt. Rushmore
Oklahoma (there's really nothing there!)

Some People who e-mail me:
Scott Can

Four of my favorite foods:
Chocolate (that IS a food!)
Banana sandwiches with mayo AND peanut butter
Potatoes (can't decide between baked potatoes, potato soup, or french fries!)

Four Places I'd rather be right now:
hmm.. that is hard....

Any warm beach
In a cottage in the mountains by a warm fire
On a road trip to "who knows where" (just drive!)
At a really good concert

Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
Having fun times with great friends
FINALLY getting my divorce (should read- I'll look forward to having it over with)
Going bike riding on the Creeper trail again
Chris graduating from high school (please cross your fingers on this one for me!)


  1. LOL - some of those are priceless. Banana and mayo sandwiches - I love mayo too - wonder why I never thought about that. Maybe it's that I don't eat a lot of bananas:) And, yeah - it'll feel really good when all the crap with the divorce is over and you can actually move on.

  2. lol! Banana, mayo, crushed walnuts and sugar. YUM! Forget the sandwich, though. I'll just eat the nanners.

  3. I will have to answer these later on in the day when I'm awake and it will make Loved your answers. I haven't had banana and mayo yet, but B&P(peanut butter) is one of my favorites.Gotta thank Elvis for this I think.

  4. hmm, never had a bannana and mayo sandwich...

  5. I did a year in Oklahoma after my ex-husband got out of the Navy.. I hated it..

  6. Oklahoma was for my son graduating from Army basic training. I'll say, the part I saw wasn't bad but there sure wasn't anything to do!
