Monday, January 24, 2011

Where I've Been...

visited 25 states (50%)

I didn't count Colorado or Minnesota, since I've only seen those from inside the airport. I figured that didn't count!
Create your own visited map of The United States


  1. This is cute, I'm gonna post mine on my site :)

  2. These are fun - I posted one some time ago (had a world map version)

  3. This is really cool Janeen!! I'm gonna swipe it too! You've been to quite a few states!!

  4. Geez, you really get around. Sigh, I'll post mine on my site so you can see how boring my life has been (travel-wise that is).

  5. I love to travel! I saw the world map, but sadly it would be blank. Well, I've been to Canada!

  6. I can help you fix a state or two on there!

  7. You've been to 2 states more than I have. I don't even enjoy traveling anymore.

  8. Yikes, you put me to shame Janeen. I've only been to Pittsburg, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Niagara, Tampa and all the other places were only in airport transit.

  9. I don't, Dai- you're not American! And you've been to way more countries than I have.

  10. Well since we can be in SC in about 30 min from here and VA in under two hours (and WV not 30 minutes past that) then we could color in a few more pretty easy!

  11. I love to travel- maybe Susan and I can stop by on our trek into VA!

  12. Well you can say I'm half American now. Look at my US contacts !

  13. I guess if I lived in one of the European countries, I'd have seen way many more countries than I have. It's similar (volume-wise, or in mileage-span, or however you'd say that), to traveling all over the USA and Canada and Mexico; lotta ground covered, lol. Still, I would love to have the money and resources to travel all over the world, to see all the many places that interest me ~

  14. I had to steal this and post it Jan. When I filled it out I couldn't believe how many states I actually have visited! Granted, most of them were when I was in the Air Force but they still

  15. Must be you flew to California huh! How did you miss Florida? But you did get a Dakota which is something I haven't managed to do yet.

  16. Jeff- yep, flew into and out of LA. And I don't know how I missed FL. It doesn't seem that far away, just never had anything planned going that way! I caught South Dakota on our trip to Montana!

  17. Ok I'm game! Can we go now while it is so freaking cold here?
