Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm home on a snow day- 4 inches and still falling!


  1. you sound happy! I'll take some snow but now the icy stuff.... ;-)

  2. I am quite jealous!!! Of course, where I work, we are open regardless of snowfall, lol

  3. I am happy Mo- I needed a day at home. Of course I really need a day at home without the kids, but we'll have fun!

  4. Im watching the weather channel now and this band of snow showers are stretching from Atlanta all the way to Cape Hatteras in the Carolinas.

  5. I'm supposed to fly to Myrtle Beach tomorrow via Charlotte, NC..... somehow this is starting to look less probable by the moment.....

  6. Oghhh cold day you have! Its cold here today and Mr Weatherman says even colder tommorow! brrrr

  7. I'm looking at the radar too and it looks like SC is getting it harder than we are! Poor people- we're ill equipped for it but they're totally unequipped!

  8. Our driver keep a running update on snow here. I don't see any signs of more coming, but he's sure there is. Maybe it's from you!! Gee...thanks...hehehe

  9. Ya'all can just keep that snow, and cold! Brrr....I just can't do that kind of weather anymore....but, not to worry, Mother Nature always has something up her sleeve, no matter WHERE you live; here we have earthquakes (volcano quakes) and flash floods and tsunamis...and I'm guessing right about now ya'll are saying, "I'd rather have SNOW!" Lol ~

  10. I heard about your area on the news this morning, right after they talked about the snow in Atlanta grinding everything to a halt. Enjoy your snow day! :)

  11. My daughter is in Nashville and, as a Minnesota girl, got the biggest kick out of the fact that they closed her workplace....for about 3 inches of snow!

  12. Yep... we just don't have the equipment to sand and scrape, so we're stuck until the few trucks we have come through.

  13. Here we have "after-the-flood" mud-plows, lol

  14. Yuck Blue... I'll keep my nice white snow!

  15. Normally, I want a snow day...just not tomorrow. I want to go to work and get my paycheck.

  16. Well, when you look at it that way, YES, I'd rather have the snow. lol

  17. I don't know- now it is ice and sleet- I might choose something else besides that!

  18. How about copious amounts of sandy beaches? LOL

  19. Yep, that would be the best choice!

  20. Vikki took a picture of the snow plow STUCK behind her house. Pretty bad when the snow plows get stuck!! We're supposed to get over a foot tonight. But that's normal here. Now I have someone to do the driveway, I don't care. The snow will actually insulate the basement and the pipes won't freeze to the washer. Stupid old house.

  21. This morning it is ice- we got 1/2 inch of ice on top of the snow. Now all we can do is wait for it to melt.
