Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eulogies.... Kat's First

Kippy went to a memorial service and remarked on all the people who turned out for her friend. She thought that it would have been wonderful if her friend could have heard everything nice that people were saying about her. We should tell the people in our lives how much they mean to us now, while they can hear it. So, the eulogy blog is born. I'd like to do one for everyone on my list but I don't know if that will happen. So I thought maybe I could handle a paragraph here and there. When I looked at my friend's list, Kat came first...

Kat, when I met you on 360 it was like finding my long lost sister. There was some instant "click" that said "friend for life" almost from the beginning. From dipping in the chocolate fountain at Z's to taking dogs to the vet, we've been through a lot. One day I hope we can meet in person, but if we never do, it won't matter. You'll still be my sister, the one I worry about and wish on the stars for. I wish a better job for you, one where you can use those artistic talents to wow the world! I wish you could see yourself the way I see you- as the amazing, spiritual, open, loving, creative soul you are. My wish for you is that you find the positive in your life and feed off of it until nothing can stop you, not even the pain. I love you! ((HUGS))

Then there's Erin- Kat's son: I don't know you except through your mom, but that's a pretty good way to get to know someone. I know you have a heart for hurting animals, and good taste in girlfriends! And if mom is any judge (and I think she is) you do right by her, which is the best that anyone could ever say about a son.

Next on the list is Aayush- of the motorcycles in Nepal. I don't really know you but if you're a friend of Dai's (and NSC Kumar) then you're welcome in my online world. Thanks for taking care of things on the other side of the planet.

And I'm going to end with Ajax- you're a funny penguin but one of the only people on my list who really keeps me on my toes. You keep me aware of pop culture, and satire, and puns.. oh, and whether penguins have wings or flippers. I still say flippers!

This was fun! More tomorrow (I hope!)


  1. What a great thing to do Janene!!! I need to psych up for this!!

  2. This is very lurvely! Everyone should do this! But don't wait on me to do it :D


  3. wow Janeen...my euology made me cry a little. Thank you and I love you too.

    We had a friend in NC - Jack Britt. He was in poor health, but loved life. He was in his 70's I think, but we all hung out together -- for dinner and rides in his convertible, the bar, he was the life of the party.

    So when he got the news that his health wasn't going to improve. he threw himself a wake. He invited everyone from his past, his children, relatives from all over the country for the non-funeral---and he had a Jack Roast. Just like a celebrity roast.

    Speakers gave their eulogies, his kids cried, his wife cried, and laughed and LAUGHED. It was a great night. Pot luck supper, open bar, dancing...a real Irish wake. Jack died not too long afterwards, but nobody was sad that they didn't say good bye. We celebrated his life so he could join in with us. That's what this reminded me of...*sniff*

  4. That is so awesome, Kat. What a smart man to do something like that!

  5. That's a great story Kat! It sounds like he had a real life celebration that not only helped him but everyone else, too. What a great idea!

  6. THis was pretty good. Looks like a lot of work though.......depending on your list.

  7. I have 50 some odd friends- not really a lot compared to some. I try to keep the list to people I know and like who are active on here. This might make me do a cull!

  8. What lovely eulogies! Funny, I felt that instant connection with Kat too. Maybe she was our mother in a previous life. Quit laughing, I'm totally serious! lol
    I've reached the age (58) where I've outlived a lot of friends and relatives who were close to my age or even a few years younger in some cases. I've been wondering more and more about when and how I'll die. It's getting to be kind of a depressing obsession so if you do a eulogy for me could you please make it a really funny one? I'd like to 'go out' laughing. Seriously! lol

  9. No, I think she was that wonderful Aunt that you just loved to see! You know, the crazy one with all the cats! LOL!

    I'll try for funny for you Sue, but I don't want you to die laughing! (that was a pun...)

  10. I never had one of those when I was a kid. ;D

  11. OMG...I had one! Aunt Ell. She had feral cats that were the size of small cars...like 6 of them. Maybe it runs in the family.

  12. I never really had an aunt (except for tons of great-aunts) until my uncle married in his late 50's. She's a strange bird, but not a cat lady. She has the hoarder part down well, though!

  13. None of my aunts were like that, I grew up to be the crazy old lady with all the cats. lol

    Hahaha Hey, I wouldn't mind if I died laughing, as long as it didn't hurt. lol

  14. What a great idea! As they say "of the dead nothing but good", but you are right, it's far nicer and more fun to change that to "of the living nothing but good".

  15. Oh Janeen, you are making me laugh like hell here with that NSC Kumar. Lucky nobody is here when I am laughing.

  16. I got a chuckle out of that too...poor Kumar (who is VC**)

    ** very charming...hehehe

  17. Kumar is quite oblivious to all these comments. I'll have to show him. He's still camping on the floor of the TU in Maharajganj

  18. Wow- he is still there? That can't be very fun. You'll have to show him the comments, especially since Kat thinks we should promote him from NSC to VC Kumar!

  19. hehe well he arrived here in the office about ten minutes ago and he sure is not a morning person. He will come round slowly. But I guess it's very uncomfortable sleeping in that hospital. His uncle is hoping to go home in about ten days from now. They didn't remove his lower leg thank God. Must work now Jan Best everything from Dai
