Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ten Thought Tuesday- the Unmotivated Edition

1. I'm lazy. I think it is the cold weather, but I just want to sit on the sofa with a book and a cup of hot tea.

2. My Christmas decorations are still up. And my excuse runs out on Thursday. They'll probably come down on Saturday.

3. There are so many things I want to do, and I have no motivation to get them done. How do you get motivation anyway? Does anyone have a trick, or something they do, to motivate you?

4. I've been reading blogs lately and I don't think I'm the only one in a funk. Maybe it is light deprivation, or the unusually cold weather we've had.

5. I need a new diet plan. I'm tired of counting calories but I have to count something! Points, fat grams, carbs... someone give me a good idea!

6. I also need to exercise (which could be the answer to #1, 3, and 4) but I'm unmotivated. Our new YMCA opens on Saturday, and I'm hoping that motivates me to get moving. My mom bought me a year's membership for Christmas.

7. That mean's I'm a founding member of Sally's Y! Which is pretty cool, considering you get your name on a plaque that hangs in the lobby. Probably along with 500 other people, but that's ok!

8. I need a project. Usually in the winter, I do something creative. I have made quilts, scarves, cross-stitch things... but I'm not motivated. I'd love to paint something.... if I could bring myself to get started.

9. I can't believe I motivated myself to write a blog. And I made it to #9- maybe there is hope for me yet!

10. I do want to go buy the game Quelf from Target. We had a blast playing that last weekend and I know my friends here would LOVE it!


  1. 1. I'm lazy too. I'll join you.
    2. Ours are still up. I plan on taking them down around Valentine's Day.
    3. I want to do a lot of stuff myself. No energy. Usually I listen to upbeat, manic music. I just don't want to, though.
    4. You're not the only one in a funk. It's the weather.
    5. I need a new diet other than just not eating.
    6. Me too! But not the YMCA. It's too far from us but we do have a small gym in town.
    7. Very awesome.
    8. I have a project. I'm just waiting for some things to GET here...and realizing that I didn't order everything I need. Whoops. I'll wait til payday to order the rest of the stuff.
    9. I'm still following you.
    10. I'm too tired to play games right now. lol!

  2. 1. I got myself 4 new books at Dollar General--one is by the author of Mists of Avalon!! I will be reading shortly. I love those books.

    I was going to itemize like Susan, but I'm out of ideas already. You are not alone.

  3. I am skipping ahead to number ten: I have heard about that game Quelf....David's kids have talked about it..... will have to check it out....

  4. very good blog for being unmotivated.... lol....

  5. # 9 you are funny!!! LOL I feel the same as you
    I def feel in a funk!!!! lol

  6. You need to quelf that funk. How about logging your exercise and trying to track improvement?

  7. See Steve, that's just it- I know what I need to do... I just can't seem to find the motivation to actually do it. I did try logging food on Sunday- you know, new year, new idea. I think I stopped at lunch. I just didn't care about it. That's why I think I need something new and exciting!

  8. I heard a good speaker this weekend talking about setting your goals low. That way, you can become an over-achiever! Their advice was to start with a one-song workout. (Thinking is, once you get started it is easier to get going.) I'm still looking for the right song.... lol!

  9. The one song workout worked for a while to motivate me to ride my bike trainer. Now I can ride an hour on my own, or longer. But I also need to share my workouts with a group, so I amtaking classes twice a week. The accountability helps the motivation. Not only that but I also forked out some money for those classes.

  10. I hope the Y has some good classes at a time I can go. That's really what I need!

  11. Usually my motivation only comes when I'm well rested.

    Or I get to sit in the sun for 15 minutes.

    Or someone else does something with me.

    Tis the Season of the Funk.

  12. To be honest, Janeen, the only thing that keeps me working out is taking classes. Maybe if you got yourself a workout buddy? I find that if I feel obligated, I tend to stick with it. :)

  13. I need more light, then I get going a little, and that feels good, so I try some more, and then some kid at school gives me a bad cold and I get sick and I have to take it easy, and then I'm in the funk again, and I have to start all over!!!! Lord, give us strength!

  14. You were so busy in the month of Dec. I'm betting your just plain worn out and need a break. Nothing wrong with taking some much needed YOU time.

  15. I've actually perked up a little from my down mood. I've been going through some stuff and trying to get things organized. Bought a TV table and am getting rid of the entertainment center so I need to downsize the amount of old VHS tapes and stuff I had stored in the center. I've still got tapes of episodes of TV shows I liked before I moved to VA.more than 18 years ago. Since my VCR broke I can't watch them anyway. lol

  16. I want to know about Quelf. My favourite game is Scrabble but maybe that wouldn't work with Americans because you all spell words strangely (SMILE).

  17. This worked big time when I was desperate to lose weight a couple of years ago in Bournemouth. I stuck a progress chart on the front of my fridge for all to see. I updated every morning with the weighing time and my new weight and the weight loss. I had to be sure there was a loss and never any gain heaven forbid, otherwise I would have looked so foolish. This really worked and gave me a huge incentive so I lost over 7 kilos in a few weeks. Forgotten exactly how much

  18. Hey- I can play scrabble! But I bet playing in British language is harder- all those extra "u"'s in words! Ha!

  19. I think you did SO WELL articulating your thoughts, even in the very throes of unmotivation, my friend. I am impressed!!!

    sigh...I have times like that. When I just can't get OFF the couch to exercise, I force myself to WATCH the exercise video and that sometimes helps me face reality...other times, I just watch it, or listen to it while reading a book. Maybe part of my body thinks it's exercising??? I dunno.


    You're a GREAT PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Relax into the mood and this time will pass soon, I'm sure.
