Sunday, January 30, 2011

D is for....

Dai, Doc, Dave, and Dragonwind... the next victims in my quest to eulogize my friends!

Dai, I really hope I can meet you one day. You have opened up a whole new country and culture that I would never have known anything about. Nepal is certainly beautiful, but it also has its darker side- literally! I don't know how you survive without many of the basic amenities that I take for granted every day. But I think highly of you for starting two successful businesses in a foreign country! You amaze me with your dedication to family and friends. I'm glad you're my friend!

Doc, although you are not one of my closer friends I talk to every day, I look forward to your posts, usually with pictures! I envy your travels, too. Thanks for sharing what you see with your camera.

Dave, you're one of my newest friends and I"m enjoying getting to know you. Already, I know what a great photographer you are and how much fun you are to banter with. You think a lot like I do, because some of the things I think of to say are ones you've already commented. I hope you find that special someone who makes you write happy poetry again!

And Sam... probably the most unique person on my list! You make me think, and think deeply. I don't know if there is a subject that you bring up that doesn't make me go "hmmmm.." I hope you get your meds fixed and start feeling better. I also hope you get moved easily- I don't envy you that. I hate to move!!


  1. I am enjoying getting to know you as well =) Scary that someone thinks like me, lol. It's ironic, the only time I write poetry it seems is when I have been hurt. Maybe if I ever find happiness, I'll give that a try too =)

  2. I have to catch up on your eulogizes.... interesting.... ;-)

  3. D is for Dai and dedicated. Well Jan I have to say that I am glad I met you too. You are one of my most highly respected and trusted friends and I also hope one day we can meet. Thanks for writing what you did. My news is just plain boring. Work, work and work. Damn powercuts all the time and brown water from the taps. How boring can it get? Kumar and Luma and the girls give me lots of strength to carry on and I only wish I could be the same as them. They never stop smiling, no matter how tough it gets. Kumar is going through hell with sleeping on the hospital floor with nowhere even to wash his face when he wakes up and working and running. Never a complaint even. Luma is just the same and I am baffled at their resilience. So I have learned that with lots of love and support from good people around us, we can tolerate anything that comes along. You may not realise this but so often you, Kippy and Kat have really pulled me through during the freezing, dark nights when everything seems so hopeless here. You have helped and supported me and made me laugh so many times. It feels good to have friends like this.

  4. It is truly a miracle that we can find such wonderful friends online here! Thanks be to you God!

  5. Nice to "meet" people through your eyes :)
