Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Good Blogthing...

I don't usually enjoy the blogthing stuff- I don't really care what kind of car I am, what my chocolate says about me, or what Wizard of Oz character I am.  But this was a neat one: What Happened the Year I was Born:

In 1966, A Car Cost $2410
Lyndon B. Johnson is president of the US

As part of nationwide protest against the Vietnam War, demonstrations are staged all over the US

In Miranda vs. Arizona, the Supreme Court rules that criminal suspects must be apprised of their rights before interrogation

US planes begin bombing of the Hanoi area of North Vietnam

Controversial American comedian Lenny Bruce is found dead of a drug overdose in his home

John Lennon says, "We are more popular than Jesus" sparking controversy in the US

The first black Senator is elected to the United States Senate

Cindy Crawford, Janet Jackson, Mike Tyson, Halle Berry, Adam Sandler, and Kiefer Sutherland are born

Baltimore Orioles win the World Series

Green Bay Packers win the NFL championship

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is the top grossing film

Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann is published

Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys and Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel are released

Star Trek and The Newlywed Game premiere


  1. I have Valley of the Dolls and saw the movie. It' amazing movie on a lot of different levels.

  2. Yeah, I know... I'm getting old! Chris turns 22 on Saturday and he's talking about feeling old. I said "hey- 22 years ago I was 22! Get over it!"

  3. Pfah. You're not old. You're only a few years older than I am...and Art is still a decade older than you! lol!

  4. You're as young as you feel! Or as old! Happy Birthday to Chris!

  5. I had to steal this for my page =D

  6. I was in first grade!! What a rush of memories that evoked..I can still smell the cafeteria, Miss Hanyak's perfume and Glen K.err's feet. It was the first time that I heard the word "cooties". I also, heard another phrase while on the "big kids" bus that caused me to get my mouth washed out when I said it to my grandmother. Oh, those were the good ole days!!

  7. I know I'm not old- I don't feel old- but old is getting closer and closer each year!

    Thanks Karen!

    Steal away, Dave.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes for Chris! (He also needs some "find a job" wishes while you're at it!)

    It is fun to look back, Susan. I don't remember a lot about 1st grade- stubbing my toe on a tree on the school playground (repeatedly), getting in trouble for drinking out of the water fountain (true story!), being bored at reading time because I could read and some couldn't, having a wack job for a teacher- I knew it, and mom tells me now that she knew it), and seeing a magician in person for the first time. Well, I guess I have more memories than I thought!

  8. Tee Hee - I wasn't born yet either - Great movie - Good, Bad and Ugly. I like those Clint Eastwood movies. We watched Star trek every Sunday aftenoon, right after the movie hour(can't remember what they called it now) with Tom Hatton (I think that was his last name).

  9. I'm so going to blog this on my page too! Nice!!
    1966, I was nine, LOL!

  10. I don't remember all those things but I do remember what John Lennon said and what it did around the USA. Some cities had bonfires burning Beatle albums. It was crazy and ironically enough he was right about their popularity around the world.
