Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sometimes "goodbye" is a second chance.


  1. And sometimes it's just time to let go.

  2. For every ending there is a new beginning. :)

  3. Why did you post this??? What's the story.

    That song always makes me think of Erin for some reason. He says good bye so many times moving here and there, and it's always another chance for him to grow when he does it. I try to be supportive.

  4. I agree what seanymph posted below. For every ending there is a new begining. I like to use For every door you close, another opens. Hoping things are okay with you girl.

  5. Nothing really happened... I've been talking to Savannah about that song, trying to explain how moving on is a good thing. She sees it- she has such a better relationship with Scott than she has with her father. Sometimes you have to let go of one thing to get something better. It is a good thing!

  6. I don't have the best relationship with my own father, but I still see him and talk to him on a regular basis. I am a grown adult ... But, I think my step-father has been an awesome dad to me. He is the one I refer to as Papa on my blog posts. My own daughter talks to her biological father (whom she calls "the sperm donor") at least three or four times a week, but when she refers to her "dad", she is talking about Tom, who helped raise my kids until his death. I think sometimes it truly IS a blessing when another man is willing to step up to the plate and provide something we are lacking in our lives.

  7. funny...Jamie and I were discussing the boy's father. It must be a day of reckoning for us all somehow.

  8. Maybe- I'm not really melancholy today, but reflective. And in that, I'm able to count my blessings!

  9. I've puzzled over what you mean by this, but if it's private please don't worry

  10. It is the lyrics to a song... which sparked a conversation with my 12 year old daughter about change, moving on... how sometimes it can be scary but can lead to better things.

  11. oh, sorry
    had not heard the song
    yes, change can lead to better things, but it can be hard being in transition
