Friday, September 18, 2009

OK, I did it.

fat! Pictures, Images and Photos

Alright, enough is enough. I have fought my weight my entire life. Sometimes I win, sometimes my stomach(s) win. Gone through times when I was totally in shape and times when I felt more like the marshmallow man. Today, I'm taking back over!

I lost nearly 50 lbs about 4 years ago (ironically, before the ex left for another woman) but somehow, got distracted from the things I know how to do. (I know, divorce, two kids graduating- I have great excuses!) But, I have put 15 lbs back on. I'm not happy! My clothes don't fit right anymore and I can start to see the appearance of another chin.

I know what to do. Eat right. Exercise. Drink plenty of water. Journal. I've been thinking about doing those things for a good three months. Well, yesterday was the day I decided to start doing what I'd only been talking about doing.

So I got me a cute little journal/notebook. Got my calorie counters out. And- gasp- rejoined the gym! Since softball season was over, I haven't lifted a leg or crunched an ab. That's like 3 months! Feeling ashamed and hopelessly out of shape, I drug myself back to the gym yesterday. I survived 24 minutes on the elliptical machine and was feeling so good about myself, I made an appointment with a trainer for today.

Trainer- torturer- they both start with T! Ouch! The guy was great- complimentary, even. Wanted to know what I'd been doing. Um... sitting at the computer, eating? I used to swim- I used to work out- I used to do a lot of things I haven't been doing. So he did a full assessment. Turns out, I'm not in quite as bad a shape as I thought. I'm still strong. 24 min on the elliptical at a 145 stride per minute pace isn't bad.

I know, I can do this stuff at home. But obviously, I won't.

So he has me on a schedule. I've dutifully written down everything I've eaten- and stayed within my 1200-1400 calorie allotment. The only thing I haven't been real good at is water. 3 out of 4 isn't bad. Just leaves room for improvement.

So if I haven't mentioned the gym for a bit, prod me, ok? I'd like to lose the last 30 lbs left for ever!


  1. Good for you and GOOD luck, Janeen! I've been battling for .. well .. a lifetime. :) It sounds like you have a perfect plan! I have no doubt you can do this.

  2. Thanks Kippy! It is a good plan for now- I'm hoping my enthusiasm for it lasts!

  3. It's important to feel good about yourself ... for me anyway. With everything I've gone through, sometimes that insecurity is the very thing that undermines me. Yay you!

  4. You know Kat, I'm the only one who can take care of me. I control what goes in my mouth. I control whether I sit, stand, walk, or run. I just really realized that today- I want to be in control again!

  5. I would keel over dead with only 1200 calories a day

  6. Bill, you're a guy- you probably WOULD keel over at 1200 calories!

    And thanks.

  7. Hehehe... like everyone of us here, eh? :)
    Good for you for grabbing the bull by the horns and getting yourself "back with the program" Momma! Best of luck with it, we're rooting for you!

  8. Doc says I should do about 2000 calories a day with my level of activity.

  9. *Gives "buns of steel" a squeeze...* Okay, you're the exception. :)

  10. That's awesome! Keep it up! It takes weeks and weeks for good habits to develop I've heard. You can do it.

  11. You'll do it sweetie. Just have faith. Remember it's not a diet. It's a way of life.

  12. The last time I got determined to exercise and get in shape I bought that AeroPilates exercise machine and hurt my left shoulder. After months and months the shoulder pain finally went away but I'm still stuck with the AeroPilates.
    Be careful and take my advice-get in shape and get your eating under control NOW! When you reach your 50s your metabolism slows down and it gets harder and harder to lose weight. And it seems like my will powers is getting weaker and weaker. Good luck!

  13. It's all about mindset. How you see things on a day to day schedule. If you stick with the plan, the plan will unfold, and before you know it, you'll be where ya want to be.

    My grandaddy had a saying, "There ar two ways of doing things, either you do, or you don't." Purty simple when you get right to it.

    You have appeared to me to be a very positive, upbeat person, so I suspect you'll reach yer goal easily enough.

    I say easily because if you keep say every day, "this is going to be the easiest thing I've ever done" then it will be.


    Keep It Simple Sweetheart.

  14. I think I'm going to put that on my bathroom mirror! That's fabulous, Bill. In my meditation last night, I visually took all my negative thoughts (the I can't's) and erased them from a big blackboard. I know 99% of it is how I approach it.

    That 1% is physical- I HURT this morning. But when I really look at it, my arms hurt this morning. Like, it hurt to lift them high enough to brush my teeth! But, my legs don't hurt- my back/abs don't hurt. So parts of me are still in shape! YAY!

  15. I wish I had an elliptical at home. I'd use it. If I had something here, I'd use it...I won't go out. I've joined places and I hate going there SO much I wasted my money. Lied and said I was moving...I did try.

    Well. I should too. Congrats. I know you'll feel better.

  16. I really wish I lived closer cuz I'd go to the gym with you! Congrats on getting everything back together though, with your work out. Once football is over for us, we'll start going back. I'm not too fond of wanting to go, though. That's okay. I can't be TOO badly out of shape. Ian found out the hard way I can kick over my head yet. *sigh* Good thing he's fast. (He wanted to spar with me the other night.)

  17. Just give in and keep stuffing your pie hole; it's easier.

  18. That's true. But then you don't feel good.

  19. Yeah, but then I'd be one of those people you see on TV where they had to cut a hole in the wall to get them out of the house. That one man, they had to use a marine animal scale to weigh him on. No thanks- I'll go the hard way!

  20. I wish you lived closer, too- that would be more fun!

  21. I have things here... (not an elliptical, though) but I won't do it. Always find too much other stuff that needs to be done here. I always do better when I go somewhere.

  22. I don't mind working out, to be honest. I just never have any motivation anymore.

  23. I think I have to get back into losing some fat and getting fitter. My life is just in front of a laptop right now Janeen

  24. I know what you mean Dai. I spend a good part of my day at work behind my computer. How is your weight loss? I know you were doing very well for a long time!

  25. My weight is possibly increasing again. I can't be sure but I don't feel fit at all. Weight control is so easy in the UK where we have a vast choice of foods in the shops. But here there is so little available (easily) so I must east what is easily available. I wish I could eat far more salads but that's risky unless we prepare them at home so I just eat what I can find. Take care Janeen

  26. Well if you're going to keep going like you are, you should take a little time out for a walk every now and then at least. Get up and move. (yes, I know, I feel a bit like the pot who is talking to the kettle!)

  27. Try some of the non-caloric flavored waters.. that they sell at walmart! They REALLY do help you with the intake of fluids! Good luck!!

  28. Cherei, I'm addicted to cherry limeaid! And I'm surprised at how good the orange and apple are, too. (Put the apple in hot water and add a cinnamon stick- yum!)

  29. It is! Gives me something to look forward to winter for!

  30. I should get a jug of apple cider for Thanksgiving and cook my turkey in that, honey, and white wine.

  31. That sounds good! How does that work- do you boil it (stew it?)

  32. I put enough in the bottom of the roaster pan and then use it like a glaze with the baster thingy with the glass tube and bulb. Works pretty good, really.
