Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Had to get the boy from college today- fever of 103, body aches, chills... At least he came with his own ($80!) prescription of tamiflu.


  1. They give him one of those shots?? Healing huggers for your son =)

  2. Around here the papers are encouraging bringing them home. Do what you have to. Prob only a couple of days. (Hopefully)

  3. Wow - poor kid - that's a pretty high fever. Another degree could have been quite dangerous. Hope he is feeling better soon.

  4. OHhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. poor kid.. watch for pneumonia.. Get welll soon.. I hope his teachers are a bit lenient.

  5. Oh dear, I hope you don't get it too. Hope he gets better quickly! Geez-ridiculous how expensive some meds are.

  6. I don't want it! Trying to be careful. They're treating every viral infection like the flu and sending home those close enough to go. The dr said probably not swine flu since Tylenol brings the fever down to the 99-100 range. They're excusing him from class and ball until Monday.

  7. 'Scripts can get expensive. A month ago I picked up a script for thirty days costing me a bit over 300 bucks!!! WOW!!!

    Anyways, I hope it's under control. Try to have a Good Day. (That goes for your son to.) ;)...

  8. Im hoping hell be feeling better soon Janeen!

  9. Hope he feels better soon and hey...he's home!

  10. There was an article in the paper that said to keep kids home if they don't feel well, high fevers and all. They are encouraging shops and places of business to send employees home if they have symptoms of the flu also. This is gonna be a rough flu season indeed.

  11. The CDC also said that a person with Swine Flue can still be contagious for up to a week after they have stopped having symptoms.

  12. Sam, they told me 5 days... Maybe that is normal flu.

    TS, he's a but more human. Still not eating much and still has a fever around 100 with Tylenol.

  13. sorry to hear this
    I sympathise as am struggling with flu at the moment...been fighting it off for about 2 weeks, and had two cases of very bad sore throat before the cold part came it's affecting everything ...head, nose, sneezing, bad cough, muscles etc

    read, yesterday, that swine flu cases have doubled in number here in England in the last 7 days...

    hoping it's not that for your son [or me]

    they are linking it with kids going back to school or college after the summer
    my daughter had it [sore throat/cold, still has cough] only mildly, thankfully, but now she feels bad incase she gave it to me

    let us know how things go for him

  14. so glad we have the N.H.S. as we would be bankrupt by now if not :(

  15. Poor kid! I'm glad he's close to you! And I hope he gets better soon, too. Our two boys had this - lasted about 2 days.

  16. I'd vote for 2 days- that would mean it's over today.

    Darned Monks- the infirmary doc said the monks were sick before the kids got there. Usually the kids make the monks sick!

  17. I think I'm still sick myself. I still have all the symptoms, other than a high fever. *sigh*

    Everyone goes to work sick.
