Sunday, September 20, 2009

Poem Posse Challenge

Well I don't write much poetry. I was actually reminded by someone the other day that I used to write quite a bit! I don't know why I stopped. But this challenge seemed a fun way to begin again.

Go to Poem Posse to read the rules. Ok, Bill pointed out that I didn't have all the rules quite right. I still don't- it is supposed to end on a positive note! (I don't think I'd call this positive, except that is usually the most positive response you get from a teenager who is losing an argument!) Sorry! I'm also not worrying about the voting, but after you read everyone's, if you still like mine send me a pm.

This poem comes from a conversation I had yesterday with my son, who is a freshman in college.


I want
I want
I want
I want
A PS 3

You need
You need
You need
You need
New tires on your truck.

I want
I want
I want
I want
To spend money on me.

You need
You need
You need
You need
to learn to be an adult.

I want
I want
I want
I want


  1. This is cute as can be (frustrations of a mom no less). Thanks for joining in this time. Good to see you here. 8=)

  2. Great though to close to our talks /:-)

  3. I gave it a brief consider and decided I can't do it. But I like yours!!

  4. Really Steve? Did you have the same conversation? I don't know why this kid feels so entitled to whatever he wants right now!

  5. LOLOL!!! My Youngest is 21 and my oldest is 31... I know what this is all about!!! :P

  6. Hey...nothing wrong with wanting, my dear! Eventually, we all learn that getting is the ticket, and we don't always get the ticket! LOL!! Well done!

  7. Gee, this is one of those golden moments when I'm glad I didn't have kids. lol
    My favorite kind of poetry is like that of Poe or Elizabeth Barret Browning, and that's the type I usually attempt to write, unless I'm writing lyrics to go with some tune that's popped into my head and then I'm not so anal about counting syllables. I do like yours though.
    I like
    I like
    I like
    I like
    the poems you write.

    They're not
    They're not
    They're not
    They're not
    Too uptight.

    I must
    I must
    I must
    I must
    cut loose.

    From this
    From this
    From this
    From this
    Rigid noose.
    See how rigid I am. In my mind if it ain't got some 'Poe' in it it ain't a

  8. oh the joys of teen age sons. well done on the sentiments. thank you for joining this week.

  9. Love it Momma! It reminds me of when I was a kid, and mum bought my brother a t-shirt with the "I want I want I want" bit written on it. :)

  10. LOL ... what a great way to describe your conversation with him. Teenage sons ... you've got to love them ... whatever!

  11. That's a great shirt! What's funny is, he isn't usually the "I want" kid. Only every now and then. His older brother is the "I have a dollar so it must be spent" kid.
