Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born. ~attributed to Ronald Reagan on a sign I saw today.


  1. Yes I noticed that too!! Makes one wonder doesnt it??

  2. i'm not for abortion but i am HIGHLY against the government telling me what i can and cannot do with myself.

  3. What do you say to this? "I know!"?? hhaha

  4. I am totally for Postpartum Abortion. I think some people currently living just really need a good killing.

    I am personally against using abortion as a form of birth control. There are far to many other methods available for use. But if the pregnancy is from a rape, incest or the mothers life is in danger I think it is something that should be available for consideration.

    I also don't feel the government has any right at all to tell another person what they can and can not do with their own body. So I am against abortion as birth control, but pro choice. Does that make any sense to ya'll?

  5. Ha-ha! This reminded me of The Sweet Potato Queen's Book of Love.

  6. Absolutely. That's the best way I've heard anyone say what I feel! It is my belief that if the government were to make abortion illegal, there would be a lot of girls maimed by coat hangers and witch-doctor style remedies. What we need are some good old-fashioned morals!

  7. What are morals? I just got done watching tv. Weren't an morals there. I should read a book instead. How about The End Times?

  8. I'm all for retroactive abortion: Once you reach thrity years of age, if you're still living in your parents' basement then you just gotta go.

  9. lol! Well then I won't be needing to worry about that, I was outta the house perm like by the time I was 14 and prior to that my sweet and loving mother threw me away into the group home system at the behest of the principle in my grade school that A: hated me and B: was having an affair with my mother. \o/ win.

  10. Wow Sam... maybe we should have a provision for horrible mothers as well!

  11. ah in the long run I was better off out of the home. My family life was... very bad.

  12. yes ! abortion to cover lack of personal responsibility is inexcuseable

  13. lmao i agree to this too ! what happens when they reach the age of 42...? i know a person....
