Friday, September 11, 2009

God is.....

This is from my Bible study tonight. An amazing list of all God is by Priscilla Shirer:

God is...
the first and the last
the beginning and the end
the keeper of creation and the creator of all
the architect of the universe and the manager of all time-
always was, always is, always will be:
unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, and never undone.
He was bruised but brought healing;
he was pierced but eased pain;
he was persecuted but brought freedom;
he was dead but brings life;
he was risen to bring power
and he reigns to bring peace.
The world can't understand him;
armies can't defeat him;
schools can't explain him;
leaders, they can't ignore him;
Herod couldn't kill him;
Nero couldn't crush him;
the New Age cannot replace him;
and Oprah cannot explain him away.
He is life, he is love, he is longevity, he is the Lord!
He is goodness, kindness, faithfulness, and He is God!
He is Holy and righteous and powerful and pure.
His ways are right;
His word eternal;
His will unchanging and his mind is on us.
He is our Savior, our guide, our peace, our joy, our comfort, and our Lord,
And he rules our lives.
We serve him because his bond is love,
his yoke is easy,
his burden is light,
and his goal for us is abundant life.
We follow him because he is the wisdom of the wise,
power of the powerful,
the Ancient of Days,
the ruler of rulers,
the leader of all leaders,
and his goal is a relationship with us.
He'll never leave you,
never forsake you,
never mislead you,
never forget you,
never overlook you,
and never cancel your appointment in his appointment book.
When you fall he'll lift you up,
when you fail he'll forgive you.
when you are weak he is strong;
when you're lost he's your way;
when you're afraid, he's your courage;
when you stumble, he will steady you;
when you're hurt, he's going to heal you;
when you're broken, he will mend you;
when you're blind he will lead you;
when you're hungry he will feed you;
when you face trials He's with you;
when you face persecution, he shields you;
when you face problems, he comforts you;
when you face loss, he will provide for you;
and when we face death, he will carry us all home to meet him.
He is everything for everybody, everywhere, every time and in every way.
He is your God, and that is who you belong to!


  1. :) A few days ago I was hit square between the eyes with a high insurance premium I didn't expect. The next day I started checking around town and immediately found one that was nearly two hundred cheaper per month. The original policy was hitting me with location fees after the move - and since they were not local, they were charging me for things I rejected because they didn't send the paperwork - and then in June I was knocked off of the highway and my van was totaled.

    I went and signed the paperwork on the new policy - paid the lower premium and as I was driving home it occurred to me how the bad was turned into a blessing. I said out loud, "You're an Awesome God."

  2. These are all things that let us know why he is the 'I Am'.

  3. I love that part, too. But how many people don't realize it? They have God in his little box over here doing these things... they don't realize He'll be everything everywhere to them, not limit them to a strict set of rules or thoughts!

  4. Exactly, Bill! And whoever asks "I am... what?" just needs to read this list. He simply is... everything.

  5. Its sad that most people do not realize these things. God truly is wonderful and I owe my all to Him.

  6. Sometimes I think we forget because it can be really hard to imagine God being EVERYTHING. That, as a concept in and of itself is awe inspiring. Sometimes, I think that it's a truth that's just so big, so wonderful, good/bad/terrible/lovely that we just cannot always wrap our heads around that because God is this to EVERY one single person on this planet and then there's even more that happens.

  7. Sounds like y'all had a good night at class!

  8. We did Cherei- I love this group of girls. There are 6 of us who meet at each others' houses on Friday nights. This time, we're doing a Priscilla Shirer/Beth Moore/Kay Arthur study on David- "Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed." The theme for the first week was really "David knew who he was, and he knew Whose he was."
