Saturday, August 1, 2009

Spent all morning sorting clothes with the kids. We not have two rooms with wearable clothes in drawers- and 6 lawn bags that went to charity! Yikes! Now I need to work on mine...


  1. I need to work on the kids' stuff myself.

  2. My stuff is sitting on the kitchen table. But I have another side of the closet to clean for myself.

  3. Well we need to go school shopping, but I had no idea what they don't have. Now I know!

  4. We've got a pretty good idea what the boys need for clothes because they've really grown this summer. Laz has even gained an inch from when we were down in Pigeon Forge. I didn't realize he'd grow that fast!

    I need a few things for work but I'll pass on that. I figure my jeans are good enough and I have tons of skirts that can be worn with plain shirts. Art needs stuff more than I do. The boys have a lot of new things (shorts and shirts) but we won't worry about pants until later on, probably around October.

  5. I have to do that with my own....I have one triple closet full and more in another closet that got filled up again after I packed away all my dresses for the move. I do think its time since most dont fit me anymore lol

  6. I still haven't unpacked from NJ. Loki sleeps on the suitcase, and it's convenient, so it's on the loveseat in the blue room. I could go into Jonathan's room (if I could fit) and remove every article of clothing in there and he'd never notice. His clothes are downstairs in laundry baskets. I have so many clothes I can't wear, don't wear...but can't get rid of it's stupid. I will just have to DO it and decide when.

  7. Wow- Laz has grown that fast? I remember that stage with my boys- watch out with football that he stays injury free- that is a good time for them to break something. Savannah is growing so fast I can almost watch her grow. She bought a shirt in TN that is tight on her now. Yikes!

  8. Yeah. I was shocked. He's on the front line. I'm hoping we'll go without any major injuries this year.
