Saturday, August 15, 2009

Home from my 25th high school reunion. It was exciting to see some people, but more amazing to see that we have all turned into our parents!!


  1. The older I get the more I see my mom in the mirror. I don't know if I like it or not. lol

  2. Twenty-fifth reunion? Let's see, that would make you . . . um . . . twenty-five plus . . . invert and multiply . . . divide by pi . . . carry the one . . . square root of "i" . . . thirty days hath September . . . "i" before "e" . . . four score and seven . . . and to the Republic for which it stands . . . rocket's red glare . . .

    Dammit, I lost count.

  3. Cmon dear, surely there's more to tell about a 25-year reunion than just that .

    How was everyone. . .. .who succeeded and who didn't. . . . . who got drunk and talked too much. .. .who remembered you and who didn't. ... ..old crushes. . . . .newly revealed old crushes. . . . etc. etc. etc. etc.

  4. You know, it is funny. I still live in the same town I grew up in, so I'd seen a lot of people. There were only a few people I was excited to see who I hadn't seen. One was my best friend from middle school who moved away in 9th grade. The other was one of the really smart shy girls I liked a lot who grew up to be more open and friendly.

    The funniest thing is the girls all looked really good. The guys look like they'd aged! I guess girls have the advantage of hair color and makeup. The other thing I noticed is the people who didn't show up. Like almost all of the band geeks (who were my group) were missing.

  5. Oh, and the best part was that we'd all voted online who were the best looking guys and girls. The best looking guy in the class is still nice-looking, but not the hot hunk he was then.

    And I left about 10:00pm. No one was drunk yet.

  6. I haven't gone to a reunion for my class yet!! I graduated in '69. They had one while I was still in NC and nothing since. I have seen a couple of people I graduated with who still live here in Hell...and they look BAD. No way around it. BAD. So I wonder if I look that way to them too? Ya know? The men look terrible, but the women have gotten downright skeeeery.

    The ones who moved away seem to look better (in pictures) so I wonder if it's the water. ahaha. You look very young, I think. And GOOD. I have seen enough pics of you to know.

  7. When a new guy joined the Bible-Study group that I attend everyone reverently called him 'Pops' or sometimes 'Gramps' . I figured him to be 60-65 . Nice guy . So one day I was talking to him and he made some reference to listening to hair bands of the 80's. . .. . . I thought that just a bit odd, not totally but a little odd, so I asked him outright . .. "How old are you"? .. . . Holy cow . .. . He answered 45.. . . 2 years younger than me !
    I immediately felt bad for him . Troubled life, genes, lack of exercise, don't know which but a truly stunning moment. I look youthful and very healthy for my age. Don't know exactly why, but I do stay very active outdoors and from that moment on I pledged to never stop .

  8. I look my age now, not any younger. Then again, I don't wear make up and I don't do my hair, color or otherwise now or perms, and I've given up caring how old I look. *shrugs*

  9. Just to be clear . I didn't judge the guy because of his elderly looks . We actually became friends . I was just relating how stunning the moment was.

  10. Hahahahahahahahaha!!!
    Several years ago I looked into a mirror... and saw my mother looking back at me! Twas *very* shocking! lol

  11. I remember thinking the same thing -- that and observing which guys still had most of their hair.

    Wow -- you graduated from high school when you were 9 years old, eh?

  12. oh yah - we've all turned into our parents all right :( - hopefully a a wee bit better tho. Glad it was exciting ! Tell me tho -did you reconnect with anyone. Seems to me when i contact people from my past - i cant seem to find any common ground any more and it almost always is a disappointment for me so i dont bother any more.

  13. Wow Steven you know how to make a girl feel good!

    Barb, I think Facebook really took some of the excitement out of the evening. The people I was the most excited to see (that I hadn't seen since high school) I had connected with on FB and knew what was going on in their lives. It was good to see them but that "OMG where are you living and what are you doing" excitement wasn't there.

  14. Wow, what a horrid thought! Some of my friends do look like their parents, I hope I don't!!!

  15. An uncle of mine and I both slightly resemble Pat Boone (is that a good thing or a bad thing-lol). . . . and ironically Pat is in our distant family tree.

  16. Going to my 40th in September . . . will be funny checking out how old we all got!

  17. I'll NEVER turn into my parents! Friggin' bunch of damn kids!! giggle! I've always been the older, more responsible one!
