Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm in the mountains this weekend at an ARE workshop. Only have spotty cell phone service, so I won't be able to answer much!


  1. I just hope it works when and if you need it. I hope it will be productive and go by quickly.

  2. What's an ARE workshop? Hope it's something fun and you have a fun and relaxing weekend!

  3. Have a good weekend. The mountains sound great!

  4. Have a great time - catch you when you get back!

  5. Have fun.. in MOUNTAINS??? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. You get pictures!!! ok!!!! PLEAAAAAAAAAASE!!! lol

  6. meant to ask you which back in the Asheville area?

  7. Yes- at Little Switzerland- Wildacres, if you're familiar with that retreat. And Lisa, ARE is Edgar Cayce's foundation- the Association for Research and Enlightenment. We basically spent the weekend eating and meditating. I've never really meditated before. I pray a lot, but meditation always turned into sleep! This was neat- parts of it were weird, but it was all neat!

  8. We really have to talk. You follow Edgar Cayce's teachings??

    I know where Little Switzerland is very well. My ex used to buy Xmas trees up there from a grower. Pretty area... So your church accepts Cayce's ideas? I am a little amazed.

  9. Actually, my mom's been following him for years. I dabble- I pick and choose. There are people at my church who would probably burn me at the stake for following him, but there are people there who think that his readings had some merit. There's 4 people from my church that went. He was a Christian and didn't want to do anything that went against God, so why not?

    This conference was just neat. Meditation, love, spirit, and quiet.

  10. Amazing. We have something else in common.

  11. *grins*

    They have this conference every year- maybe you should plan to come with me next year.

  12. I'm an old pro at meditation...but I did TM, not Cayce's method. I wish I had those books again. I could use a refresher. I could use ANYthing about now.

    The group energy (even if you're not all together, you're all in the same area) is very helpful. There is no limit to what the mind and will can do.

  13. I'm new to meditation- this is the first time I've understood how to get through it without falling asleep. It's amazing!

    And the group energy was amazing- calm and peaceful. There was just this great sense of peace the entire weekend.
